Part 14. Caught Red Handed

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Jack was still stood pointing his gun at Will, before long Norrington's men must have been tipped off by someone, who saw Jack come into the Black Smith's shop, as they were trying to barge their way through the locked door. Oh no!, if they see me I'm in big trouble, Oh well I'm already in trouble anyway from sneaking off earlier, it can't get much worse. I thought to myself. Will moved towards the back entrance of the Black Smith's preventing Jack from escaping at all, whilst he was still holding the coal poker in his hand. "Move away!". Jack told Will, "No". Will replied. "Please Move?". Jack begged. "No!, I cannot just step aside and let you escape". Will told him.

Jack then all of a sudden cocked his gun at Will, "This shot is not meant for you". Jack told Will. To which at this point, I had seen enough I jumped out from behind the barrel and pointed Jack's own sword, at his back and pushed a little causing the tip of it to nearly break his skin and put a hole in his clothes. Thomas jumped out after me, to try and stop me. "Anne no!". He shouted at me. This made Jack turn around in shock. "Ah Miss Swann isn't it?, how very nice to see you again, and still all wet from our last encounter I see". I just scoffed and continued to point his sword at him.

"Anne what are you doing here?". Will asked me. "Get Jack arrested questions later". I told him. "Wait you know this man?". Will asked me again. "Unfortunately yes I do, this is the man who surprisingly saved mine and Elizabeth's lives". "No need to thank me love". Jack said in a cocky swoon sort of tone. "Anne put the sword down you are no killer!". Thomas said to me, "It's quite alright Thomas, I have had a good teacher", I said whilst looking at Will. "Wait so when I was out running errands for Mr Smith that's what you too were up too, playing sword fight?".

He pointed his index finger and moved it between me and Will. "Yes where is the harm in a lady wanting to protect herself against vicious, vile men and rotten pirates at that!". I nodded my head towards Jack. "Well this is all lovely small talk, but you are all within my way of getting out of here, so if you all don't mind". "Come on Men!" We all heard Norrington's men shout from the other side of the door, still trying to break through it.

Just before Jack could make a getaway, Mr Smith rose from his resting place. Jack was unaware of this, as he was still glaring at Will and pointing his gun at him. Mr Smith saw what was going on, he then lifted his whiskey bottle and smashed it over Jack's head.

Jack then collapsed face first with a thud on the ground. Suddenly Norrington's men burst through the door, "There he is!". One of them shouted, Norrington followed not long after his men, who were by this time all surrounding Jack and pointing their muskets at him. I went and hid behind the sword holder machine when I saw Norrington, as I was frightened as to what he may do or say to me. I hid Jack's sword in the front of my dress, carefully so I did not cut myself. Goodness knows what else they would do to me, if they caught me with a sword in my hands, father would go spare.

"Excellent work, Mr Brown". Norrington said to him. "You've assisted in the capture of a dangerous fugitive". He continued. "Just doing my civic duty, sir". Mr Brown slurred back to Norrington. Will looked bemused, as he was the one who did all the hard work, not Mr Brown. "Well, I trust that you will always remember this as the day, that Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped, Take him away". Norrington commanded his men, they picked Jack up who was slumped over still unconscious in their arms, as they were all took their leave.

Norrington was the last to leave the shop, when he turned back in his tracks and had a word with Thomas. "Mr Turner, you haven't happened to see the young Miss Swann have you? Only I know that you and her are good friends, and well she ran away from us this morning and we are all extremely worried as to her where abouts".

"Errr, erm, no Sir I haven't seen her, but if I do, I know that I should come straight to you". Thomas looked shifty, shaking his hands and turning his head to the right all the time, in the direction of where I was hiding. Oh Thomas please don't blow my cover, I thought to myself. Norrington must have noticed where he was looking and he started to walk in the direction of where I was hiding.

I was trembling at this point, as i was scared of getting caught and taken to my father. Norrington continued to walk towards the direction, that Thomas was looking in and he finally got right up close to the pillar of the machine where I was hiding, before he turned sharply and said "Well if you do happen to see her please let her know, that she isn't in any trouble and that her father is just extremely worried about her, as is her sister and they would just like her safe at home". He said whilst looking between Thomas and Will.

Oh my goodness! I thought I was going to be caught there for sure. I put my hand on my chest to help controlling my breathing. He must of had a thought that I was there, so I finally gave myself up and emerged from behind the pillar on the machine and I stood their looking sheepish, with my hands both placed on top of each other in front of me. Thomas and Will both looked at me in shock that I had come out of hiding. Norrington saw both men looking at something, so he turned around quick in his tracks and looked me straight in the eyes. He looked like he had seen a ghost, his eyes never left my frame, not even one single blink came from them. He finally cleared his throat and straightened up his posture.

"Ah Miss Swann, there you are!, do you know that you have had half of the navy out looking for you, your father has been worried sick including m...,". He paused for a moment and his angered expression softened a little, he cleared his throat again. "Including your sister". He looked at me straight in the eyes, both our green orbs melting into each other. Oh my goodness I think I must be hearing things, or i think he was just going to see he was worried sick, not Elizabeth, he just used that to cover up his words of what he actually wanted to say.

Oh why can't he just admit that he fancies me, like he does with Elizabeth. This put me into self doubt, was he just wanting me home safe, as it's his royal duty to the crown, to protect everyone he is put in charge of?. Or is it because deep down, he actually had feelings for me too, who knows. I was brought out of my train of thought, by Norrington speaking again. "So if you wouldn't mind, accompanying me back to your home and we can get the maid, to get you all cleaned up and warm and I can escort you back to your father and let him know that you are safe".

I didn't say anything, I just nodded my head and Norrington stuck out his arm for me to loop, I looped his arm and said my farewells to Thomas and Will, before exiting the shop. Norrington had gotten his men to arrange a carriage for us, outside of the shop we both got in it we sat beside each other, but not close. We sat in silence for the whole journey back to my home, I just stared out of the window, but I could feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head, why was he staring at me the whole time? Maybe he would like to say something but can't find the words, I thought to myself.

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