28. Bad Dream and Bad Heads

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I looked at Will and he looked at me, we both shrugged our shoulders, as we weren't quite sure as to what their conversation was all about. We then proceeded to walk back over to Thomas, who was now snoring with his mouth opened wide. We both laughed at his state. Jack and Mr Gibbs proceeded to walk over and join us. "Everything alright gentlemen?". I asked them. "Everything is quite alright dear lassie, we shall have a few more tankards then we shall proceed to head for the ship". Jack said. "Pray tell Miss Swann, why are you here in a place like this, with men like us?". Mr Gibbs asked. "Because Mr Gibbs some ruthless scallywag's profoundly known as pirates have kidnapped my sister Elizabeth and I am helping to bring her back safely to Port Royal".

"Elizabeth you say?". Mr Gibbs said whilst giving the side eye to Jack. "Yes why do you ask?". I asked him. "Oh only last time I saw her, your father had plans to wed her to Lieutenant Norrington". "Yes well, he is a Commodore now and a good one at that and she has not giving him an answer as of yet, because she never got the chance too". "Ah right you are, Miss Swann". He said. "Speaking of saving, shouldn't we make haste and not participate in how much more rum we can all drink?, as I would hate to think you put us on a different course Mr Sparrow, through your drunken antics".

Jack looked at me angrily "Very Well Lassie, but I will be taking some to drink aboard my ship". He said to me through gritted teeth. He walked off past me and went to go and fetch some barrels of rum, Mr Gibbs followed him to lend a hand. I turned my attention to Thomas, who was still asleep upon the table, I looked at Will who chuckled. "I guess this is the first time this poor fellow has ever tasted rum before". He said. "Yes it does seem that way doesn't it". I chuckled back in response. "OW!". We looked over to see that Jack had dropped a barrel of rum onto Mr Gibbs's foot, making him howl out in pain and hop around in a circle, clutching his foot. "Come on my good man". Will said whilst helping to pick Thomas up, from the table and put his arm over his shoulder to help balance him. I took his other side and did the same, we walked out of the tavern followed by Jack and Mr Gibbs, who were rolling the barrels of rum out with them.

We got onto the ship, me and Will took Thomas to one of the Cabins and we lay him on the bunk and I placed the covers over him, to keep him warm. He stirred in his sleep. "Yes sir, I should like to become king of the country". He slurred in his sleep. I turned to Will and sniggered before closing the cabin door, to let him rest. I looked over to the helm, to see Jack standing there, Mr Gibbs had fallen back to sleep upon the deck, hugging a bottle of rum that he must have smuggled out of the tavern. I started to become tired myself, I yawned and looked at Will. "Well I think I shall turn in for the night, as it is rather late and I need my so called beauty sleep". I said to Will and chuckled.

"Well do not let me stop you dearest Anne, goodnight and I hope that you have pleasant dreams". He laughed. "Yes I shall try, goodnight Will". I said to him before proceeding to walk towards my cabin. I opened the cabin door, before I turned back around to look at him. "Aren't you retiring for the night?". I asked him. "Not just yet, as I think I shall join our dear friend Jack up at the helm for a while, before I need retire to my hammock and I shall be waking you in the morning to change that bandage of yours, as it seems to have somewhat bled more". He said to me.

I placed my hand upon my bandage and pulled my hand away and looked at it, it was indeed soaked with more blood, as it covered my hand, I wiped it upon my dress. "Very well goodnight Will". I told him, before I stepped inside my cabin and closed the door. I slumped myself upon the bunk, my head sinking into the pillow, I pulled the covers over me and sank further into the mattress and I finally drifted off to sleep to the sound of the ocean, as the waves rocked me gentle back and forth.

I was having the most horrible dream that night. I had returned back to Port Royal all alone somehow, I went into a room and saw my father and Norrington looking rather sad and staring at a lifeless body upon the slab, as I got closer to it, I saw that it was indeed Elizabeth's pale lifeless body dressed in a white dress, she looked like a beautiful angel, I gasped in shock and started to cry, my father came walking over to me and slapped me hard upon my right cheek, I didn't understand why he did this, as he was never a violent man and he would never raise his hands to anyone, not even his children. "LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!". He yelled at me, whilst pointing towards my sister's lifeless body. He continued to cry a bit more. "Miss Swann, because of you and your silly notions I have lost the love of my life and the only woman I would have wished to marry!". Norrington shouted at me whilst glaring right through me. "H-h-how did this ha-p-p-pen?". I stuttered.

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