39. Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho

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I finally came round from my bouts of unconsciousness, I opened and closed my eyes a few times, slowly taking in my surroundings. Thankfully I knew I wasn't dead, as I could hear, the sound of the sea and squawking from the seagulls, I looked up to see that I was surrounded by palm trees, that were beautifully green in colour and they had coconuts hanging from them. Whomever assisted me out of the water, had placed me underneath the swarm of trees, to keep me out of the harsh hot sun and leant me up against one of them.

I sat up slowly, taking in more of my surroundings, I looked further around the deserted island and all I could see was nothing but crystal blue water, for miles on end. I stood up slowly still unsteady on my feet, as I brushed the sand from my dress and hands. I ran my hands through my wet un-brushed hair, that was encased with salt from the sea, being careful to mind both my deep cuts. I looked to my left to see Elizabeth and Thomas sat down in the sand chatting with each other, their backs to me, so they couldn't see me awaken, but where could Jack be, I wonder. I looked around towards the trees and inbetween them I saw movement, it looked as though someone was in a cellar underground, the sound of clinking glass could be heard from where I was standing.

I slowly made my way over in the direction of where the person was, as I got closer I recognised the clothes straight away and I knew it was Jack. He was rutting around the cellar, for what seems to be bottles of rum, as he had already thrown some up upon the sand, but they were empty. I shook my head at him, and chuckled to myself, as I walked over towards Elizabeth and Thomas, who were still sitting upon the sand, chatting away. Thomas looked over his shoulder and saw me approaching them both, his face beamed with delight as he scrambled to his feet, as he ran over and hugged me, nearly knocking me of my feet.

Elizabeth joined us and hugged me also. "Are you alright dearest sister, you gave us quite a fright?". She asked me. "Yes, I am quite alright, it must have been the exhaustion and hitting the water really hard that had me succumb to being unconscious". I chuckled, as Elizabeth and Thomas brought me into a group hug. We stayed like that for a few moments, before Jack made his way over to us. "Glad to see you have finally awaken love, I couldn't find any more rum all on my lonesome, now could I". Jack said whilst holding up a empty bottle of rum. "Come, come, dears I need your help into finding some more the delicious necta". He told us, whilst he continued to walk back towards the direction of the cellar, as we followed him.

"Jack! How is it we shall get off this island?". Elizabeth asked, whilst running behind him. "I don't know love, we shall just have to count our blessings and wait for another passing ship or you could do what I do, wait for a miracle whilst hugging a bottle of rum for comfort and company". Jack told her as he carried on walking towards the cellar. "But you were marooned on this island before weren't you, so we can escape in the same way you did then". Elizabeth asked him. Jack turned around sharply to look at her, "To what point and purpose, young missy?". He asked her. "The Black Pearl is gone and unless you or your sister have a lot of sails hidden within your bodice's". He continued but paused briefly for a moment. "Unlikely, young Mr Turner will be dead long before, you can reach him". Jack continued.

I looked at Jack shocked, then I turned to look towards Elizabeth. "Will is still aboard the ship?, why did you leave him there?". I asked him. Jack just ignored me, as he walked up towards the palm trees and knocked on them, to which reason I do not know. "But you're Captain Jack Sparrow". Elizabeth told him as she followed him around the trees. "You vanished from under the eyes of seven agents of the East India Company, you sacked Nassau port without a shot, are you the pirate I've read about or not?". She continued, as Jack was pacing in strides, before he found a spot and was jumping up and down on it continuously, whilst Elizabeth was speaking to him.

"Wow, how I wish I was him". Thomas whispered over to me. I looked at him and chuckled. "I bet you wouldn't wish for the punishments that were to follow if you were to get caught though". I told him. "I suppose your right". He said. We both turned our attention back towards Elizabeth and Jack, "How did you escape last time?". Elizabeth asked him. Jack stood quiet for a brief moment, "Last time I was here a grand total of three days alright". Jack told her, as he bent down to open up the cellar door. "Last time, the rum runners used this island as a cache, they came by and I was able to barter passage off, from the looks of things they've long been out of business". Jack said, as he continued to rut around the cellar like before, still in search for full bottles of rum.

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