Part 16. Sinking and Thinking

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I made my way upstairs into my bathroom, where Helen was already waiting for me with my bath prepared. "Here you are now Miss, I was beginning to think that I would have to empty this water, as it was beginning to turn cold, luckily for you, you've arrived just in the nick of time, I have poured some lavender oil in there too Miss, to help you sleep well tonight". Helen said to me."Thank you Helen, this looks so lovely and warm, I can't wait to sink into it". Helen had prepared the room with loads of candles, situated around the bath and on the floor, the room looked ever so cozy, it made me never want to leave.

The bath was within the middle of the room, it was a white porcelain bath, with golden tap handles, the walls within the bathroom where painted white with led paint, the floor was wooden floorboards and the sink was the same white porcelain as the bath, only it was decorated with hand painted purple flowers on it and it had golden taps also. There were two windows at either side of the room, one facing you when you first walk into the room and the other, on your left side within the room, there were no curtains up either. Luckily the bathroom was situated upon the second floor, so it made it hard for peeping toms to take a look. There was also a plain wooden chair placed beside one of the windows, for the maids to be able to either sit upon it, when they are helping us to get washed if we ask them, or to place our nightgown and bed robes upon it for us to change into too.

"Right, is there anything else I can do for you Miss?". Helen asked me, "Yes, would you be so kind, as to attire me with some casual clothes please, as I would like to join my father up at the fort, in celebrating the last few hours of Commodore Norrington's promotion ceremony, with the rest of the town, I heard that they are going to have a magnificent bonfire, in the middle of the square and maybe even some fireworks, there's going to be music and dancing, and... oh I can't wait". "Right away Miss, I shall fetch you a coat also, as I heard it maybe a little chilly out there tonight". I lied to Helen, as my Father and The Commodore have no knowledge, of me joining them up at the fort, however I want to go as it seems fun.

"Thank you Helen, I am most grateful". Helen bowed before she turned and left the room, whilst I slipped out of my wet and dirty clothes, that where clinging to my skin. I let them fall to the floor and step gently into the bath, sinking further into it, letting the warm water sooth my aching sunburn and dirty skin, I closed my eyes whilst taking in a deep breath and letting out a huge sigh, for the first time in about 16hrs I was completely relaxed at last.

The moonlight was beaming in through the window in front of the bath, it made me feel as though I was at an opera show, with a spotlight directly put upon me, I stared out through the window taking in the view, of the moonlight and the sea down below, the moonlight was glistening upon the caribbean water, making it dance along with the waves of the sea. The sea was crashing upon the rocks, the sound from it made me feel as though, I was swimming it, swimming around underneath the moon and the stars, the candlelight from the candelabra's around the room, were creating the illusion as though the fire from them were dancing on the walls, putting on a little show for me.

I took the soap which was on the tray next to the bath and I started to wash my body, face and hair with it. Once that was done, I sank further down into the bath, winching a little bit in pain from the sunburn on my face, neck and arms. I put my head under the water and I lay there for what I thought was a few moments, whilst the warm water soothed my sun burn, I opened my eyes under the water and I stared up at the blurry ceiling, it must have been a while since I went under, as before I knew it Helen came back into the room and peered over the top of the bath and looked directly at me.

This gave me a shock, as I was in a world completely of my own, thinking about today's events, meeting Jack Sparrow and thinking of the words that Father had told me, about how he couldn't bare it, if he was to loose me. And also the conversation that me and Norrington had, just an hour prior. I shot up out from under the water, coughing up the contents that must have entered my lungs, without my knowledge and I wiped away the water from my eyes, my vision still a little blurry.

"Oh are you alright Miss?, sorry for disturbing you, but I brought you, your bed robe to cover yourself with Miss, when you are ready to get out of the bath and head to your room, where I have laid out your clothes Miss on your bed, for you to get changed into, Your bed robe should be nice and warm too Miss, as I had it placed over the harth on the fire, to keep it warm for you".

"Thank you Helen, I think I am ready to come out now". "Very well Miss, if you need me I will be in your room, waiting to help you get dressed". She bowed once more before leaving to go to my room. I stepped out of the bath carefully trying not to slip, I picked up my blue turquoise, bed robe from the chair and placed it round me, letting the warmth from the robe hug my skin and protect it from the cold night air.

I then exited the bathroom and made my way to mine and Elizabeth's room, to get changed to meet my father up at the fort to continue the rest of tonight's festivities.

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