Part 9. At Norrington's Promotion Ceremony

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Not long after a short carriage ride, we finally made it to Fort Charles, where the ceremony was being held. We all stepped out of the carriage, the footman was holding open the door for us all. "Thank you Walter". I said to him as he held my hand, to step out of the carriage. We were greeted by the herald, he took the invitations from our father, before he got everyone's attention who was already there, by tapping his long cane on the ground, which made everyone turn around and look in our direction, the herald started shouting our names throughout the fort. "The honorable Governor Swann and his two daughter's, Miss Elizabeth Swann and Miss Anne Swann".

Me and Elizabeth both linked our father, on each arm and he escorted us to the side of, the crowd at the front so we could get, a better view of the Lieutenant soon to be Commodore, walking down the line to be promoted. "Isn't this exciting?!, an honorable man finally getting the recognition he deserves and a well earned promotion at that". I said to Elizabeth.

"Hmmm, oh yes it's exciting". She replied seemingly to be in her own world, looking a bit flushed and out of breath, fanning herself to cool down. I too had to do the same, as father must have forgot at that moment, that I easily catch the sun on my skin and he stuck us, under an open part of the fort where the, sun was beaming straight down on us both. "Elizabeth is everything alright, is it your stays are they too tight?". I asked her, just as she was about to reply to my question, the drums and flutes started playing and Norrington's men started to walk, in two straight lines holding British Flags and marching in sync with each other, each one of them went to stand in front of us, creating two straight parallel lines at either side.

I looked over to see, that Elizabeth was really starting to feel the Caribbean heat, she put her head down and started to blow into the top of her dress, whilst she was still fanning herself to try and cool herself down. I started to feel the heat too, it was as if someone had a, hot pan of coals and was holding them on top of my head, why oh why didn't I choose to wear a hat, luckily Elizabeth had made the smart choice to wear one, I thought to myself . "Two paces march!". One of the guards said, the men started to march two paces together, still in their lines but in the opposite directions from each other.

Before long Norrington came walking around the corner, his hands placed behind his back with a serious look on his face, I dare say that if anyone was to mess this up for him, he wouldn't be happy. He was wearing a Royal Blue uniform, with gold detailing and a black tricorn hat, that had white feathers on top. "Right about... face!" The man shouted again. The soldiers then turned to face each other, before more orders were shouted at them. "Present... arms!". The men pointed their guns at each other, high in the air at an angle, then Norrington started to walk through them, his hands still behind his back. Oh he does look so handsome, I thought to myself.

I looked over to Elizabeth for a brief moment and I saw that she was fanning herself, ever more faster now than before. I turned my attention back to the ceremony, whilst still fanning myself also. I looked over to father, who had took the sword that Will made out of it's box, he then held it at the base, so that Norrington could take hold of the handle and pull it out of the case. Still with one hand behind his back, he pulled the sword from it's case took a quick glance at it, before tossing it over to his other hand, and pointing it up towards the sky and throwing it behind his back, and placing it back into the opposite hand.

I started to feel the heat even more now just like Elizabeth, it must have been getting hotter, as the day was getting on. Elizabeth was really uncomfortable by this time, she was trying her best to make her stays more comfortable and loose, so that she could breathe better. I wish I could have helped her, but it would have been improper of me, to start moving around and making a sound, when the ceremony was taking place I would have also, been in trouble with my father as well as Norrington.

Finally the ceremony was over and we could all, mingle with the other guests. Norrington was making conversation with, all the guest who were congratulating him on his new, position within the navy. Then the violins starting playing and people started to dance. Father took my hand and bowed, I smiled at him and we walked to the middle of the fort together and starting dancing along with the others.

"Why have you not asked Elizabeth to dance Father, after all she is the oldest?" I said to him. "Because young Anne, I was hoping that Commodore Norrington would ask her to dance, giving as though he fancies her and all". He said to me whilst he twirled me around. "Oh right". I replied a little dis-heartened, as since I have been growing up I have started to get feelings for him, feelings that I never had for anyone else, but I suppose he mustn't, feel the same way about me, as he only has eyes for my sister.

The dance had finished everyone clapped and I hugged father, I made my way over to Elizabeth who was standing over the other side, of the fort by herself it seems that the Commodore cannot get away, from everyone wanting to congratulate him, to be able to dance with her. "Hello you", I said to her, "Hello to you too". We both giggled. "How are you feeling? Are you still uncomfortable". "Yes very". She said. I was just about to reply but a voice from behind me had beaten me to it.

"May I have a moment?" I knew straight away who it was, just from the voice I also knew that, he wasn't talking to me and that he was talking to my sister, I mean why would he want to talk to me, after all it is my sister who he fancies. They both walked towards the edge of the fort and up on too the ledge, I was watching close by as I had to chaperone, since Elizabeth was on her own with a man, which was forbidden unless they were married. I could hear Elizabeth still gasping for air as she still hadn't found the time to loosen her stays.

"You look lovely Elizabeth". Norrington said to Elizabeth. I heard her gasp out a yes, with the only breath that she had left within her body. "I err apologize if I seem forward, but i must speak my mind". Norrington said whilst turning his attention away from Elizabeth and looked out to sea. He continued to speak. "This promotion throws into sharp relief, that which I have not yet achieved".

He turned back sharply to look at Elizabeth before saying, "A marriage to a fine woman". Elizabeth looked at him out of breath and in shock. "You have become a fine woman, Elizabeth". I got really upset by this time, as he was pouring his heart out to her and she didn't even care, I know she is my sister but she can be so callous at times, I know she doesn't feel the same way as Norrington does with her, as I know she has strong feelings, for a certain blacksmith who we met 8 years ago. I think it is cruel, that she should have to string Norrington along, to make him believe that she feels the same way, without telling him that it's not true and just to keep a smile on our father's face also .

After my angry outbursts in my own head, I took myself out of my daze and I looked over to Elizabeth again, to see if she would answer him. "I can't breathe!". Was all she could say, I started to walk over to her, worried incase she may faint as she never, complained that she couldn't breathe before. Norrington took her words, as though she was in shock at his own words "Yes, I'm a bit nervous myself". He said.

I walked up behind Elizabeth and whispered, "Elizabeth are you alright?". She grabbed hold, of my arm to steady herself. Before I knew it, she must have fainted and she pulled me with her over the edge, of the fort and we were both falling down, from the fort into the ocean. I screamed so loud, I'm sure I scared off all ocean life. I began to be, in and out of consciousness, as my body must have gone into a shock like state, but I could still hear my surroundings. We both hit the water hard, that I had gotten whip lash from the fast impact. "ELIZABETH!". I heard mumbled voice scream, from under neath the water before I blacked out, completely and couldn't hear anything anymore.

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