37. Being Ambushed And Taking Aboard The Pearl

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The chase was on, with the Black Pearl not giving up following us, with every moment it got. We all looked back to see that they even followed us through the shoals, I looked towards Thomas with a disheartened look upon my face, he placed his hand upon my shoulder and squeezed it gently, as a way of comfort. "It was a good plan, up until now". Anamaria told Elizabeth. "Gibbs! We have to make a stand". Will shouted, making us all turn to look within his direction. "We must fight!". Will shouted towards us all, leaving Mr Gibbs standing looking at him confused at his words. "Load the guns!". Will continued to shout. "With what?". Anamaria questioned him. "Anything! Everything! Anything we have left". He told her.

Mr Gibbs looked worryingly at Will for a moment. "Load the guns! Case shot and langrage!". He shouted towards the crew. "Nails and crushed glass!". He continued. "With a will!". He shouted at them once more. Mr Gibbs then followed the crew down to the brigg for a quick moment, to help them fill up the cannons with whatever they could find. Eventually he came back up and ran over towards the port side. "The Pearl's gonna luff up on our port quarter". He shouted. "She'll rake us without presenting a target". He continued, whilst running up the stairs towards the helm.

"Lower the anchor on the right side". Elizabeth said. We all turned to look at her, as though she was mad for a moment. "On the starboard side!". She shouted to Mr Gibbs, who just stood there looking confused. "It certainly has the element of surprise". Will said. "Indeed it does". I piped up. Elizabeth turned to look at me and smiled, as she grabbed my hand tightly. "Whatever happens never leave my side, never leave go off my hand, do you understand?". She said to me. "I understand". I replied. "Your daft, lady! You both are!". Anamaria told her. "Daft like Jack". Mr Gibbs said as he hurried off to yell at the crew. "Lower the starboard anchor!". The crew all looked puzzled at each other for a moment, as though Mr Gibbs had gone mad too. "Do it, you gobs, or it's you we'll load into the cannon's!". He shouted at them, making them all scarper with fear.

The anchor was dropped off the side as planned, you could feel it dragging along the sea bed, before it got stuck upon a reef and jolted us quickly. "Let go!". Elizabeth shouted up towards Anamaria, whom was still holding onto the helm. She let go and the helm span around really fast, as though it might snap off. The ship then started to swing around in a clockwise motion. Elizabeth held onto me tighter than before, to prevent us both from falling over, as the ship was continuing to spin. I looked over too see Thomas, who was struggling to find his feet, as the ship was spinning him around with it. I let go of the side of the ship and I extended out my hand for him to take, he took it gladly and clung to it for dear life, before he managed to grab hold of the side of the ship, like myself and Elizabeth. "Thank you". He gasped out. "Your welcome". I replied.

Will finally returned with a musket in hand. "Keep her steady man". He told Mr Gibbs, as he made his way over to us. Suddenly both ships were beside each other. The roars from both crew could be heard throughout the entire ocean. My eyes went wide, as they fell upon Barbossa, who unleashed his sword from his belt. I dragged Elizabeth and Thomas away from the sides and I pulled them down underneath the stairs for safety. Elizabeth let go of my grasp and went to join Will. "Elizabeth!". I shouted after her, but she took no notice. I sighed. "Stay here". I told Thomas. "What!, no Anne!, wait, come back!". Thomas shouted after me. I began to run off after Elizabeth. I heard Thomas shouting, but I didn't stop to turn around.

I finally caught up to her and grabbed her by the arm. "Whatever happened to not letting go!". I shouted at her. "Sorry dearest, I forgot, as my mind is focused on Will at the moment, as I don't want to see him get hurt". She told me, whilst gripping her hand tightly within mine once again. We both looked over to the Black Pearl and it's crew, with fear in our eyes. "Now!". Will shouted. "Fire!". Barbossa shouted. "Fire all!". Elizabeth shouted also. Suddenly the cannon's began to boom, the ship was now getting blown to smithereens, the ship began to rock back and forth, quite harshly as the impact from the cannon's was really powerful.

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