Part 13. Sword Fighting and Squabbling

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I thought it was all over and Will was going to let Jack past and let him walk out the door, pretending that he didn't see him but I was wrong, before I knew it Jack swung his sword and it collided with Will's. Will blocked Jack's attack with his own sword, Jack swung at him again, this time he moved forward towards Will, making him move backwards towards the door. Will kept swinging his sword, in hope's that he would hit Jack with it, but no success as Jack moved back and dodged his swings.

They continued to sword fight, before Jack turned to Will and said. "You know what you're doing. Excellent form. But how's your footwork?". Jack asked Will. They started to walk crossed legged around in a circle "If I step here". Jack told Will, before taking a swing with his sword at him, Will blocked it instantly. "Very good". Jack told him. Will continued to have his sword pointed directly at Jack. "And now I step again". Jack said. Jack then moved again, Will following him in suite, both of them thrashing their swords at each other and blocking each others blows. It was rather interesting to watch, it was like watching a ballet as they were both, dancing around with such grace and poise.

Jack took one more swing at Will before he turned to him "Ta". Was all he said to Will, before he turned around put his sword back into it's holder and headed for the door. Will must have not wanted him to leave and he must have wanted to able to finish, what Jack had started. As Jack just reached the door, when Will swung his sword it hit straight into the door, just missing Jack by a slither. Jack turned and looked at it his eyes wide from shock, at what Will had just done.

Jack then tried to pull the sword out of the door, grabbing hold of the handle and shaking it up and down making him jump up and down too, as it was well and truly stuck within the door, Will gave a smug smile at him behind his back. Jack turned back towards Will, "That is a wonderful trick". He then started to walk towards Will and then onto the cart. "Except, once again, you are between me and my way out". Jack said to Will again. Will started to back away towards the coal fire, looking over to his left. "And now you have no, weapon". Jack took out his sword once again and pointed it at Will.

Will then grabbed a red hot sword from the coal fire, that must have been half way through getting made and pointed it at Jack, the end of the red hot sword glowed bright orange as Jack stared at it, his eyes staring at it in horror, his life probably flashing before his eyes. The Donkey must have heard the hissing of the hot metal and got scared again, as he screeched once more and started to walk around in a circle again, causing the machine to turn with him.

Jack then ran to try and escape Will, but he caught him and swung the red hot sword at him, causing sparks to fly from it. They were going from left to right behind a pole on the machine, swinging their swords at each other once again. They were continuing to sword fight I had a good mind to stand up and put an end to it all, as it was taking for ever for one of them to surrender or get killed, not that I would want Will to get killed but he was rather foolish, for fighting with a experienced pirate.

Jack must have spotted all the swords that where hung up within the machine."Who makes all these?". He asked Will, looking around at them all in astonishment. "I do, and I practice with them three hours a day". Will told Jack whilst they were still swinging swords at each other. "You need to find yourself a girl mate". Jack said to Will. They continued to still fight with each other, men and their pride it's a little bit barbaric if you ask me. "Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day, is that you already found one and are other wise incapable of wooing said strumpet, You're not a eunuch are you?". Jack asked Will.

I covered my mouth once again in an attempt to not laugh, at the sudden words that sprung from Jack's mouth. But I was truly curious to know, if he knew about Elizabeth or not and how did he know, that Will fancied her. "I practice three hours a day so that when I meet a pirate, I can kill him!". Will shouted at Jack, before taking a swing at him with his sword again in a quick motion, causing Jack to quickly jump out of the way.

Jack and Will stepped up onto the cart causing it to break the block of wood, that was keeping it from moving but unfortunately for them, it did break and both men where trying to balance themselves on the moving cart, as well as trying to ram their swords into one another. I must say the pair of them had truly amazing balancing skills, as they both maintained their posture upon the cart and none of them had fallen off... yet.

All of a sudden Will had suddenly somehow managed to get Jack's chains what are still around his wrists, wrapped around his sword. He then threw Jack's sword up into the beam, on the ceiling causing Jack to become stuck, however one of his arms was still free, so he was still frantically trying to slash Will with his sword, and Will was trying to dodge his every move with it.

Jack then lifted one of the wooden planks from the cart, with his foot and it hit Will directly in the face, causing him to fall backwards on to the ground. Jack then lifted him self up with his legs and feet on the beam and was trying to pull his other hand free. Will stood up and ran back onto the cart, but at a bad time as Jack suddenly fell from the beam and landed on the cart, causing Will to fly upwards and hold onto the beam on the ceiling, to prevent himself from falling back down to the ground hard.

Jack picked himself up of the ground and stepped onto the cart also, having no clue as to where Will had got too, until he suddenly looked up to see him up on the beams on the ceiling. Will cut the bags of sand that were dangling from ropes and hanging from the ceilings, they hit the cart causing Jack to fly upwards and catch hold of the beam just in time.

The pair of them were now jumping from beam to beam, trying to get out of each others way incase one of them, hit the other one with their sword. They started to sword fight again, only this time Will had hit Jack's sword causing him, to drop it and it landed on the ground. I came out from behind the barrel and picked it up, without anyone a part from Thomas seeing me, he gave me a disapproving look, but if it meant saving Will I would do whatever it takes, even if that meant stealing Jack's sword.

I looked back up towards the ceiling, to see Will who had his sword pointed at Jack. They then both climbed back down from the ceiling, Will made a move at Jack with his sword, but Jack moved out of the way fast and he picked up the bag of dust that was hanging up on the wall and it blew in Will's face causing him to put his head down and close his eyes to protect them. Jack then kicked Will's sword out of his hand, before he stopped and pointed something at him, I couldn't see specifically what it was as the room was filled with dust. It suddenly cleared fast and then I could see clearly exactly what it was, I gave a short sharp gasp and put my hand over my mouth, to prevent myself from being heard by them both.

Will then picked up another coal poker, from behind him and was ready to use it on Jack. When Will could finally see, he saw Jack standing there, pointing a pistol at him right in the face. "You cheated!". Will said to Jack. "Pirate". Was all Jack said to Will whilst still holding his pistol at Will's face.

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