31. Jack's Past and Going Ashore

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We finally made it out of the storm, the wind finally died down and the sea went calm. However, there was a horrible fog that formed around us upon the water, you could barely see your hand in front of your face. We were sailing through a lot of ship wrecks, with a lot of smashed up ships upon the rocks. I looked over the starboard side of the ship and down into the water, I flinched a little, as I saw fins peak out above the murky dark water below. I knew straight away that they were not dolphins, but in fact sharks, I slowly backed away from the edge, as one of my biggest fears was being eaten or bitten by a shark.

The silence upon the ship was so quiet and still, if you were to drop a shilling on the deck, it surely would have been heard, everyone was silent and within their own thoughts, every member of the crew were staring out onto the open ocean, over the starboard side of the ship. I looked up towards the front of the ship, and my eyes scanned through the misty murky fog, too see a beautiful multicoloured creature perched upon a beam, it was Mr Cotton's parrot. It began to squawk. "Dead men tell no tales". It was rather quite eerie to hear, as it echoed throughout the distance.

Mr Gibbs finally broke the silence between us all, whilst continuing to stare out into the open water. "Puts a chill in the bones, how many sailors have been claimed by this passage". Thomas was yanking on my sleeve, I turned to look at him, he was pointing out towards the rocks, his arm and hand shaking as he was doing so, his index finger in a pointing position, pointing at something, his other hand in his mouth like a nervous, scared child. I looked over in the direction that he was pointing, I scanned around for a few moments, before my eyes lay upon a skeleton, that was lying upon the rocks, its arm outstretched, its mouth left gaping open, as though it was trying to scream and no one could hear. What was left of its clothes had now turned to shredded pieces of fabric, that were clinging to its bones.

I gasped in shock, Thomas looked at me, his hand still in his mouth and shaking, I placed my hand upon his shoulder and rubbed it, in a comforting way to sooth his scared frame. I looked up at Jack who was still standing at the helm, with Cotton behind him, looking rather confused at Jack's actions as he was looking unsure at his compass, shaking it around frantically in his hand before he closed it shut.

Mr Gibbs and Will walked away from the side of the ship, I decided to be nosey and go and follow them, I tapped Thomas on his shoulder and nodded over into the direction of Will and Mr Gibbs, we both walked over and stood beside Will. "How is it that Jack came by that compass?". Will asked Mr Gibbs. "Not a lot's known about Jack before he showed up in Tortuga, with a mind to find the treasure of the Isla De Muerta". Mr Gibbs said whilst tying of a rope on the side of the ship. He walked over to a second one and grabbed hold. "That was before I'd met him back when he captained the Black Pearl". He continued, before taking a swig out of his hip-flask.

Will turned sharply and looked at Mr Gibbs. "What?". He asked. "What?". Me and Thomas said together in unison with our mouths opened wide in shock. This made some of the rest of the crew stop and look at us, to see what the commotion was about. We turned and looked at them, before they looked at us confused and returned to their duties. Mr Gibbs, looked at us all with his hip flask clasped within his mouth, his eyes wide with shock, as he must have realised he wasn't supposed to mention that to us. Will turned to look back into the direction, of where Jack was stood at the helm. "He failed to mention that". Will said.

"So he was a true Captain after all and there's me thinking he was making it up". I said. "Wow, we are sailing with a true captain, oh my how I wish I was him, to have sailed the seven seas and see the world, to have everyone afraid of you and run scared with even a glance". Thomas said his eyes wide and bulging out from the sockets, whilst he was staring at Jack in wonder. He was brought out of his gaze when he had half of the crew including myself, Will and Mr Gibbs look at him as though he had eventually cracked and lost his marbles. "What?". He questioned as he looked around us all. I smirked and continued to listen to Mr Gibbs tale, about Jack.

"He plays things closer to the vest now, a hard learned lesson it was, see three days out on the venture, the first mate comes to him and says, everything's an equal share, that means the location of the treasure too, so Jack gives up the bearings, that night there was mutiny, they marooned Jack on an island and left him there to die". I turned to look at Thomas, my mouth and eyes opened wide, Thomas gulped so loud with fear, that if I could hear it, I'm pretty sure the fishes at the bottom of the ocean could hear it too. We turned out attention back towards Mr Gibbs.

"But not before he'd gone mad with the heat". Mr Gibbs concluded. "Ah, so that's the reason for all the...". Will replied, before he started to copy Jack, swaying from side to side and giving a mad stare within his eyes, flinging his arms and hands around. Thomas laughed and copied him, I sighed in annoyance, men when will they grow up, I thought to myself. Until I saw Jack walk up behind them both from behind the helm and continue to stare at them bemused. I covered my mouth with my hand, as I didn't want them to know what I was laughing at.

Mr Gibbs looked at me confused, I shrugged my shoulders, pretending I didn't know what was happening with them both. We both continued to stare at them for a few moments, some of the rest of the other crew mates did as well. Mr Gibbs broke the silence, stopping both men in their tracks. "Reason's got nothing to do with it". He said before he sat down upon a barrel.

"Now,Will". He said. Will crouched down to reach the same level as Mr Gibbs and myself and Thomas copied him. "When a pirate's marooned, he's given a pistol with a single shot, one shot, well that won't do much good hunting, nor to be rescued, but after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst, that pistol started to look real friendly". Mr Gibbs told him. "But Jack escaped the island and still has that single shot, oh he won't use it, though, save for one man, his mutinous first mate". He continued.

"Barbossa!". Me Will and Thomas said together. I turned to look in the direction of Jack, who was still stood behind Will, he looked shocked and jumped back slightly at the sound of Barbossa's name. "Aye". Mr Gibbs said in agreement. "How did Jack get off the island?". Will asked. Jack was going to speak, before Mr Gibbs beat him to it. "Well, I'll tell ye, he waded out into the shallows and he waited three days and three nights, till all manner of sea creatures came acclimated to his presence, on the fourth morning he roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed them together and made a raft". I looked at Thomas whom had his mouth open once again and sat staring at Mr Gibbs. "Wow, that's impressive!". He whispered.

We all ignored Thomas's comment and returned to look back at Will. "He roped a couple of sea turtles". Will questioned. "Aye, sea turtles". Mr Gibbs agreed. "What did he use for rope?". Will asked. I looked over towards Jack, Mr Gibbs must have seen me do this and he followed my gaze and looked directly towards Jack, making Will and Thomas do the same. There was a short silence for a moment as we sat staring at Jack, as he stood towering over us. "Human hair from my back". Jack finally broke the silence. "Ewww, that's disgusting". Me and Thomas said.

Jack ignored our comment and continued to shout orders at the crew. "Let go of the anchor!". He bellowed. "Lower the anchor!". The crew cried in unison, as all of the scrambled towards the anchor. "Young Mr Turner and said younger Mr Turner and Miss Swann and I are to go ashore". Jack said whilst glaring at us, before he started to walk off. Mr Gibbs jumped up and followed him. "Captain, what if the worst should happen?". He asked. "Keep to the code". Was all Jack said. "Aye the code". Mr Gibbs replied. "Huh, The Code what on heavens earth is the code?". Thomas asked me and Will, we both shook our heads, "I have no idea, but I don't think, I would like to find out". I told him.

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