Chapter 1- Snow

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Cold snow welcomed the legends as it had snowed for the first in the apex world well with the legends there. The legends would be on a different planet if the apex games demanded. Today the legends were getting a new addition to their group and games.

Each legend was feeling different emotions towards the legends joining the games. For example, Mirage and Octane were trying to figure out with the imformation that the creators gave to them who the new legend was. Gibralter and Lifeline were talking about which group they would belong to, Recon, or support, or offensive and deffensive. Crypto and Bloodhound weren't caring and doing their own thing. Caustic and Revenet weren't in the mood for socializing. Horizon and Bangalore were talking something other then of the new legend. The others were just off training or anything else.

"I am betting that the legends is a girl." Mirage said "i know she'll fall for my charms."

"Amigo, They aren't gonna fall you but for me." Octane said smugly tounting Mirage.

"Bruduh, You two need to stop subjecting women." gibralter sighed.

"You two aren't caring what her power or ulimate can be." Lifeline said kind of strictly which she never did.

"so all ii care for is her looks o-or her whatever." Mirage kind of turned smaller with lifeline glaring at his head.

"Allfather, Help me find the will to live." Bloodhound mumbled causing Crypto to laugh quietly.

The legends were just doinging their own thing until the door opened and the legends were welcomed with a cold breeze.

"Good evening, Legends." A women spoke who wore a suit walked in as she brushed off the snow off of her shoulders.

All of the legends stood up and walked to her but spaced out among themselves. Crypto ended up walking out because he gots some hacking or working on his drone and he didn't want to stick around.

"As you all know, you are getting a new member to the games." the lady spoke. "They are running a bit late with one of our staff members. The snow is making it quite difficult for them to travel around the city."

"oh, so they stayed here before." Mirage said thoughtfully.

The other legends just rolled their eyes.

"Of course they would be in the city. They have to do training for games and they cant do it from their home town." Lifeline spoke to mirage.

"i-i mean th-they could have traveled back and forward. i-i dont know." Mirage tried to play it off smoothly. Many of the other legends laughed lightly but suddenly they heard a small jingle of a bell or something of metal.

Walking next to the legends was a black wolf with red eyes with a black leather collar with the silver tags jingling as the wolf walked in to the room. It was bigger then a avarage size husky along the side of the figure. The new legend was in black with a white undershirt. They wore a black medical mask to protect that mouth and lung from the cold air. They wore a black coat with silver buttons with black ripped Jean's withs black small gauges in their ears. Their hair was a short black hair cut, pixie cut almost. They had black eyes with a hint of red in them if your were close enough to get a look.

The wolf was walking around smelling each legend as the new addition to the group was looking around quietly.

"Wolf, yo-..." the suited lady spoke but before she finished her statement, a whistle rang out and the metal collar clinked as the dog ran.

"Thank you." She nodded then turned to the legends. "This is Wolf and Her name is Máni Fawn. She is 21 years one but looks young. Don't touch her. She doesn't like to he touched so don't get offended when she just looks at your outstretched hand or pushes you with you hug her. She is not a talkative woman. She is apart of Recon. Crypto, bloodhound and pathfinder, take good care and add her to your team with care."

The two nodded and remembered Crypto walked out so path is going to tell but as the two suited people got prepared to leave.

Máni was just looking around at each legend.

They are all staring at me.

"Also, you guys must show her around. Don't scare her away. Her fighting and skills are what we need for these games."

Each legend turned and looked at The new legend, Máni Fawn.


New book and a fresh start for my fiction writing hopefully you guys like it

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