Chapter 14- Chill day

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One year today was when I joined the games. On a winter snowy day was my Apex legends career started.


I was awaken by a soft yet loud knock then a voice.

"Máni." The person spoke.

I groaned as I mumbled to come in to the person.

"Aish, its locked." The voice complained.

I smiled slightly as I knew who it was. I stood up as I walked to the door. My hair was longer and messy. (You know how Alice from Twlight. That how Máni's hair looks now.)

I opened the door to a Korean male standing there. I scratched my hair before turning around still scratching.

"Ya, you dont have fleas do you?" Crypto spoke monotony.

"Ha. Funny. But no I don't. I dont think. But it couldn't be flea or just lice." I smiled slightly as I was itching my hair.

"Aish. Sit" he groaned as he pulled the chair to where I was. I complained in random mumbles or silent curses.

"Just sit." He rubbed his face and pointed to the floor.

I grumbled as I sat down on the floor in front of the chair to have turn all big brother on me.

"You are finally acting your age, Crypto." I mumbled as he went to get some small comb and a spray bottle I had randomly around and a towel.

"Just because I am acting my age doesn't mean I havent always been my age." Crypto said as he began to comb my hair and fix my fleas.

All i did was sigh in defeat

"When did you hang out with any animals lately?" Crypto spoke as he laid the towel on my back but across his legs to prevent anything to fall on the floor.

"Uhm when I went back to my village a few days ago but that's because I was dealing with a pack of wolves. So I may have gotten fleas from them or what so ever." I said as crypto was tugging at my hair.

"Is it still snowing?" He spoke as he sprayed my hair to soak it to make it easier.

"Yeah. It snows for almost a whole year and just not showing for 3 months out of the year, I think." I spoke as i was watching the outside world through my window.

All crypto did was hum as he nodded.

I was just watching the window as crypto was being a brother.

"Do you still sing?" Crypto spoke as he looked down at the towel to clean the comb.

"I do but I havent in a while." I spoke as i focused back on my surroundings and crypto.

"That's good. Even though you would always say you would only sing If you'd get nightmares." Crypto spoke. He was surprising not speaking Korean so I guess he isnt hiding behind his language, something caustic would say when Tae Joon would speak korean to Him off.

"Yeah. I supposed that's good." I mumbled as I felt his delicate yet rough tugging.

"Sing the lullaby your mother would sing you."

I got tense.

"Stop it. We've talked about this before." He flicked my head as he began to clean up and get to the door.

"Where are you going?" I said as I turned around and sat on the chair.

"Your hair isnt the way you like it so I am gonna get some stuff." Tae spoke as he put his shoes back on cause If he doesn't take them off I get mad.

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