Chapter 9- The Walk

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I slowly released Hound's face and back up and quickly stood up cause of knees. I felt the hawk land on my shoulder as I tried to hide the fact that I just did something that was a little to close for my opinion.

Bloodhound stood back up as I pressed the button again. I was just looking up as I was putting on the gloves.

We stayed in silence as we waited.

Is it bad that I had the thought of kissing their mask? wtf?!? No Máni! They are nothing but a friend.

I was just finishing up until I felt a gloved hand take mine. I looked away at the bird as bloodhound grabbed my hand to investigate it.

"Burn Scars." They mumbled. "What fire did this?"

I just quietly slipped my hand out of their's.

"It was a foolish accident when i was young which resulted in many sacrifices." I spoke as the doors opened as i stepped through. Bloodhound followed quietly but was watching my facial expressions. 

"Forgive me for asking." Bloodhound asked. 

"You apologize alot, Hound." I spoke as i turned to them slightly but turned forward. All i heard from bloodhound was a soft grunt as a response. 

We headed outside starting to be following by two guard like people cause you know people can get crazy when they see the legends outside the arena or dorms. Strange i know but we are kind of like famous. Me and hound just walked in silence as Blitz flew around above us as the snow feel out the clouded sky. 

I was walking along the snow plowwed sidewalk with bloodhound at my side. 

We walked as some of the citizens noticed bloodhound but havent recognize me just yet.

"Are you nervous?"


"Your first Game."

I just shrugged.

"I'll pray to the allfather for you."


We returned as it was turning night finally.

The rest day was over now it's the game to look forward too.

I am nervous on if I'll be solo, trio or is it gonna be duo's.

Now to wait.


Sorry for the short chapter. Mu mental health is kicking me in the ass.

I'll upload a chapter again soon.



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