Chapter 19- "let them go"

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I looked at the legends and didnt care for the blood right now.

"Come on." I spoke to the legends.

"W-what?" Mirage spoke as he wasnt really wanting to move.

"I said let's go." I growled meanly as I seen the staff struggling.

"Just come on." Lifeline pulled on to mirage to get him to follow us as we had to get out.

We began to run along the streets sidewalk to get to the Airship. I was quietly in pain as I held my side as my healing wasnt working.

I was turning lightheaded as I had lost blood. I slowed down my running as I felt sick. My running came to stop so i leaned against the wall as i knew i was getting pale.

Crypto suddenly felt a sudden feeling of emptiness. He slowed down his running and turned around.

I felt so lightheaded not due to the blood lost but to whatever was put in me. I felt all of my awareness and strength suddenly give up. I fell forward as my body felt weak and I blacked out.

"Máni?!?" Crypto yelled as he quickly ran towards me in a panic. He sped up  his running and caught my head last minute before it crashed to the floor.

All of the legends ran back to me.

Crypto got scared and worried. He teared up as he looked at Lifeline.

"Pl-Please." He spoke softly to her as he teared up.

"Let's get her to the Airship. I'll work on her there." She nodded.

Crypto nodded as he picked me carefully bridal style. He didnt noticed the blood yet so he just thought it was exhaustion. He looked up as he blinked away the tears as he has shown to much emotion.


We got to the ship with no problems. Lifeline made crypto lay me down a empty area away from the legends.

"Get out of ya clothes." She spoke to everyone.

They all went off to do their own thing meaning shower or sleep or just recuperate after what just happened.

Lifeline did a little trick that she know to wake people from being unconscious. She snapped a little stick thingy and I woke up with red eyes and anger. I growled quickly at Lifeline as I held her arm, harshly.

Lifeline was trying to contain her fear and I held her arm. My grip was so tight because of the man who stabbed me with whatever but it feel like a knife but it did feel something cold go in to my blood stream when he stabbed me. It makes me remember octane's knife.

Anyways, I held Lifeline arm as it was get close to break until I heard crypto voice.

"Máni, let her go." He spoke softly as I didnt know he was standing there and watched lifeline.

I made a low growl as I was just looking at Crypto as my grip tightened.

"Look at eyes. There is fear, so let her go. She wont hurt you." He whispered to me as he looked at me.

The reason for my sudden anger was because of my fear. I didnt know that lifeline was trying to help me because of the cut. I suddenly felt a small pain in my arm and then felt the familiar cold liquid go in to my arm. The liquid made me weak and i realized she sedated me, i understand why she did it.

"Home." I mumbled to Crypto. 

My grip became loose on her arm as i laid my head back down after getting sedated. Ajay got her arm out of my grip as she rubbed it after pulling syringe out of my arm.

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