24- Dismay

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Quick A/N- I was originally gonna have 25 chapters but I was in the process of writing the chapter before this in the drafts but it was dead space and I used it to get a odd number but there is a reason why I am ending it on chapter 24. So this the last chapter of this series.

Don't worry the sequel in the works

But let's get to chapter cause this one is a rollercoaster of emotions


Soon everyone returned home safely and we were having dinner with Daehyun, Crypto, Mirage and Bloodhound as I was cooking for the first time in a while.

"Did anything happen when you two were alone?" Daehyun spoke as she walked in the kitchen as the others were in the living room talking about the games and when they would have to return.

"Nothing happened." I lied as I did not want her to know some stuff. Right now she is giving of a weird vibe.

"Oh what? Come on. Something did happen. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me." She had grabbed on to my arm as she turned younger than her actual age.



"Mommy. Tell me." Iris spoke happily as she grabbed my arm and tugged it around.

"Tell you what, dear?" I spoke to her as I smiled.

"Tell me how you met daddy." She smiled as she noticed Rauður walking in the house after their day as a warrior and patrolling.

I laughed slightly and nodded.

"Very well." I picked her up as she chimed happily.


I reacted by quickly grabbed her whole body and her held my arm towards her neck, restricting her air flow as she was pinned to the counter side.

"Don't touch me like that again." I spoke lowly and put more force against her neck to prevent air to escape and go in to her lungs. I was just glaring at her eyes as she knew what happened and the memories came back.

"Chief?" Daehyun whispers as she grabbed my arm.

I panicked as I stepped back and ending up knocking over a chair as I stumbled. Daehyun grabbed my hand before I fell back.

I heard Crypto stop talking and mirage question what had happened. I felt the tension of Daehyun's grip loosen causing me to actually fall.

"Ah." I spoke as I fell on to the floor and hit the back of my head, lightly on the chair.

"Oop." Daehyun covered her mouth as she saw me sitting on the floor scratching the back of my head.

I looked up at her as I was not mad but also just questioning why she did that.

"Heh." Daehyun smiled sweetly before taking off running.

"No. Come back here!" I yelled as I quickly stood up. Slipping in the process but regaining my footing and ran after her.

Bloodhound stood up and looked in to the kitchen area and seen me chasing Daehyun as she laughed. Bloodhound made a small chuckle as they noticed my happiness and my slight anger.

After me turning tired and out of breath from chasing, daehyun noticed this and saw how tired I was so she walked up to me.

"What happened to your stamina?" Daehyun laid her hand on my forehead.

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