Part 2 Chapter 7

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Finally finding the bloodhound person at their own apartment or such. I was standing there as bloodhound was taking care of a boy. My eyes slightly scanned over the young boy around the age of 10 or such.

Name- Faete Fawn
Age- ?
Parents- ?
Adoptive parents- Bloodhound

"Bloodhound þessi manneskja er svo hávær (bloodhound that person is so loud.)" Faete spoke to bloodhound as bloodhound was doing the little boys hair for their school time.

"Ég veit. (I know.)" blood hound spoke as they finished patted Faete to go get dressed in the school uniform.

New language detected. Icelandic language is detected. New language added to different languages.

"Now moon if you will to stand there then so be it, but if you can help me with some cleaning that would be great." Bloodhound spoke as they began to clean up some dishes and some other things. I nodded and allowed my weapon to disappear. I began to clean up with bloodhound as they were silently humming to themselves.

Protocol Memory is still working. Please seek scientists for additional help.

Memory 2%

"Are you allowed to eat?" Bloodhound spoke randomly and looked straight at me as we had finished up cleaning.

Something familiar with the look from behind their helmet and it felt almost like home.

"No, I am not. It's violation of code 45, do accept offers or food from your ordered legend." I spoke robotically as it held no emotion.

"Ah, violations.." bloodhound spoke quickly as they nodded and headed off to make themselves and Faete some lunch.

*One month later*

Running Memory protocol



Memory status


Please seek assistance for the reset


The mask beeped as it was resting on the dresser as I was standing in the restroom of bloodhound's residence. I was able to figure out how to get off my mask with out triggering the system. I was just staring at my reflection as the smaller blade was in my hand and my face was bleeding at the bottom where I decided to dig my knife under and popped it off. I moved my hair away from scarred eye and saw the contact lenses sitting directly on top. The chip to register the mask and make sure it stays on.

I slid the knife back in my boot and transformed with the technology of the plug like machine in the back of my head underneath all of my head as it just bleed as an modern futuristic outfit materialized on to my body.

The company had forced every apex predator to put on an outfit like this as we were now in the public eyes due to the building collapse a while back

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The company had forced every apex predator to put on an outfit like this as we were now in the public eyes due to the building collapse a while back. I looked at the number looking holographically on the chest part of it. (Think of Detroit: become human if you seen that game) I noticed my name was on there.



We do have to go out to meet with the other legends cause I guess the legends like to hang out. I sighed as I grabbed my mask and placed it back on to my head and stared at the blood dripping and just ignored it and walked to meet with bloodhound as faete was at school.

I can't wait to see the others.

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