2 Chapter 19- Mimic

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Me and my siblings were sitting in the restaurant in the city outskirts as were updating on stuff.

"Where were you two hiding ever since the home thing?"

"We've escaped even if we resulted in many wounds and bite marks from the wolf packs." Isande spoke as he was drinking his water.

"I am sorry that I did that many years ago. I didn't mean for anything to happen that night.." I spoke as I drinking my own cup of water.

"Don't worry, we've gotten through this and we will get through with you as well." Rain spoke as she smiled slightly.

We were sitting down until I heard an few kids playing around outside of the restaurant, so I turned around to see the kids running around through the windows. I was smiling as they were an group of 4 kids. Two boys and Two girls as they were just chasing each other and laughing and/or screaming.

"Isn't it funny to see this group? It reminds me of us when we were little with the family.." Isande spoke as he turned to me and Rain.

"Yes, it does.."


A few hours later

I was walking towards the dorms as Isande and Rain had headed towards an walk and take the rest of the night. I was just walking as I was humming to my self as I was walking back to the housing for the legends and the apex predators.

As I was walking toward the housing, i suddenly felt an bee like sting on the back of my head so ii froze as i held the back of my head.

"Ow. What the fuck was that?" I was rubbing where i just felt the small wound and looked down at my hand quickly before turning around and looking in to the abandoned building line. My eyes scanned with the technology in my eye contacts and the help of iris, my eyes were moving from window to window as i felt someone watching my every movement.

"who's there?" I whispered as I was searching until i saw familiar glowing electric blue eyes from behind the familiar sniper like weapon in the highest window until they faded away as the familiar boy stepped away and headed deeper in to the abandon building. My head was yelling at me to chase after him yet His voice spoke in my head.

"I wouldn't dare, if I were you?" The voice spoke amongst Iris's glitching technology, and his voice was soft, quiet, mono-toned and under no infliction of emotion. "After all, remember who I am. Don't You?"

My body was stuck before it resumed heading towards the living quarters, as i turned my reflection in glossy  wall was slightly shown to the figure behind who was Red at the time as he noticed from afar my still figure.


I noticed Moon standing alone as she was somewhat frozen in time as she was looking up at the building next to her. My eyes followed where she was staring until I saw the familiar electric blue lights and eyes in the hidden darkness before the figure went in to the building.

Huh? Is that Mimic?

No It can't be.

They would not deploy him just for us.

Wouldn't they?

"Moon, are you okay?" I spoke as walked up close to her but noticed the reflection that her eyes had with Mimic's same electric blue eyes, until she turned around as her red eyes showed up until they quickly went to the original brown colored eyes.

"Yes, I am fine. What is it?" She ended up turning her full body towards me.

"Nothing, Just worried because you just froze right here." I spoke as i looked at her as i helped he walk up to her room as i could tell her leg is hurting her.

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