Chapter 20- The real story

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The morning as quick as we fell asleep.

I woke up to have Taejoon nagging at my shoulder slightly as I still rested in Bloodhound's bed.

"여동생 (Younger sister), get up." He spoke softly yet harshly.

I woke up in pain but it was weak yet there. I sat up with the help of Crypto as I was questioning everything.

"Where are we?" I whispered to him.

"Home. Your home. It's quite cold so we are inside the ship but the pilot is getting a bit antsy." He spoke softly as he looked at the pilot.

"Very well." I grabbed a fistful of his jacket and gripped it to stand up. He panicked and held my waist as he got me up.

We began to shuffle towards the exit as the legends that were there were waiting and shivering except for bloodhound.

Me and Crypto walked down the ramp of the ship.

"Dont worry I got you guys." I spoke as the snow was falling but shivered towards Taejoon for warmth.

My natural warmth from being cursed isnt here.

Oh no.

Taejoon recognize my coldness and took off his jacket, placing the Green and white jacket around my shoulders.

I was shivering and just put my arms through the sleeves as Taejoon zipped up the jacket to keep my warmth in.

I pulled the sleeve down and brought my fingers to my mouth as I let out a loud whistle with 6 whistles. I heard distant dog barks and the yelling of a man.

I instantly got colder as I huddled closer to the other legends to get warm.

We waited for like 5 more minutes until a man and several dog sleds or things stopped.

I stepped out from behind the legends to greet him. I saw him step off the sled and walked towards me.

"Stjķri, ég nema fyrr en eftir fjögur viku. (Chief, I didnt expect you until 4 week times.)" He spoke in our native tongue as the only ones who could understand would be Me and Bloodhound.

"Forgive me for coming at uncertain times. Eitthvað gerðist í borginni sem veldur því að við erum ekki örugg þar. Fólkið sem stóð sig vel í þessu. (Something happened in the city causing us well me to not be safe there. The people who did well this.)" I gestured to my bleeding side "O- (An-)"

"Stjķri, ūú grærđ ekki eins og ūú ættir ađ vera. Stjķri, líđur ūér vel? Þú ert fölur og frábrugðinn því sem þú lítur venjulega út fyrir að vera. (Chief you aren't healing like you should be. Chief are you feeling okay? You look pale and different from what you normally look like.)" He spoke as he stepped closer and placed his hand along my forehead.

"Hjá öllumföðurnum ertu kaldari þá venjulegu sálir. (By the allfather, you're colder then the normal souls.)" His eyes drifted to the legends standing behind me

"J-Just get us home." I shivered in to crypto's jacket. Bloodhound and Taejoon were watching me closely. They shared a glance as they were worried for my health.

"Stjķri, you are sitting on my sled. You can have your own." He spoke to the legends as they nodded and the dogs got antsy.

The man got me on the sled and covered me in the fur blanket. The warmth got me sleepy so i ended up passing put instantly.

The series of commands were spoken from the mouth of the man as the sled dogs began to move towards the village as the snow was falling.

All of the legends were warm due to the fur blankets covering them

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