2 Part 14- The Sun

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I was just standing there at my computer and Apollo headed out to avoid anymore awkwardness.

"The hell!!" I panicked slightly turned around and stared at the mirror.

What just happened?

I was just staring until I heard an knock on the door again and I pushed the button to open it, noticing Apollo standing there with his head down.

"Don't look so down." I spoke as I walked to him and grabbed the data knife from his hands as my hand grabbed his face and lifted it up slightly.

"I know.." he spoke softly.

"If you know then why are you doing it?" I let him go and heading in to my room again. He said nothing as I heard his footsteps enter my room again.

"How's your arm? No more malfunctions?" I spoke as I inserted my data knife in to the system and gathered the data as I turned around and leaned against my desk.

"No, not after you fixed it." He looked at me and stared at me.

"It's weird to think that we known each other for 12ish years, isn't it?" I looked Apollo with soft yet curious eyes.

"It's actually 13 years..yet you still haven't aged at all." He spoke softly as he adjusted his glove that he used to hide his right hand that was mechanical prosthetic arm.

"Aging is something I've never been able to do..." I shrugged as I pushed off my desk as I grabbed on to the data knife again.

"I've noticed..." Apollo spoke as he stood up to come look at the computer also. He was standing behind me as I was just typing away and focused on the computer.

"Just like your brother...have you done an memory scan recently, Moon?"

"No I have not.." I spoke as I was just typing away on the holographic keyboard. 

"Do you want me to check for you?" He looked at me until I nodded slightly, so he turned around and grabbed an few different things such as an small internet USB thing. He moved my hair over to the side to reveal and mechanic USB port thing that the syndicate put in all of us to access our memories and perform the memory swipes.

His gloved and ungloved hands were softly touching my neck and such as he was being delicate. When he felt an suddenly relaxing body that he was touching, he looked down at me and noticed my straight posture had sunken in to his grip.

"What were you stressed about?" Apollo spoke softly as his voice was deep and just calm. He was softly touching my neck and moving my hair away from him actually pulling it.

"I-it's nothing...I am fine." I whispered quickly and straightened up my posture but I felt his hand quickly tightly on my shoulder.

"Relax, there is no need to hide plus you'll be in pain when I do your memory scan."

"Alright." I sighed and looked away from his reflection as I sunk back towards him. His hand grabbed on my head to have me look forward so he could get actual access to my neck. His hand actually pushed in the memory plug and I groaned in pain. My hand quickly grabbed on to his arm to prevent from any further pain but he quickly intertwined our hands as an comfort mechanism. 

"Look up, Moon." He released the memory plug and looked up at the ceiling as my eyes looked up causing the holographic computer was shown. He was looking at everything like my vitals, mental health and suddenly at my memory progress.

"78%...good job... you are slowly getting your memory back." He spoke as he gently pulled the memory plug from my neck and let go of my hand but I reacted by holding it tightly.

"Don't leave my side, please..." I whispered to Apollo as I held his hand softly.

"Moon, your memory is still an working in progress...are you sure you want to do anything that would interfere?"

"Everything I am saying is in the present as everything I remember is in the past. I doubt what ever I am not remembering will change anything that I am thinking about you." I spoke softly as I pulled his hand for him to come closer. "That is of course if you will allow what I am feeling to be valid." I spoke as I looked down until I felt his hand grab my head and pulled it slightly upwards.

My eyes were wide until I felt an kiss on my lips as he held my head. He was leaning over me and held my head as my eyes were wide open at the amount of speed he had. My eyes were opened so I looked behind him and his wings were out to prevent the view if anyone were to walk and notice what we were doing.

My eyes fluttered closer as my hands grabbed on to his shirt and pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. My hands moved up along his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck causing him get closer.

You've kissed another person, Moon.

Excuse me?

You've kissed someone new. You found love again. That's good.

My head suddenly bursted with pain as an memory flashed.


"I am sorry. Forgive me." Bloodhound spoke as they grew sad underneath their mask. They acted quickly and moved their hands to the helmet. Snapping off the buckles and pulling off the  mask, then grabbing my face for a forceable kiss.

My eyes were wide open as i realized how fast they had moved and all i heard was the clink of their helmet falling to the floor. I felt bloodhound's lip which were surpising soft as i grew tense as my hands were still in fists as bloodhound held my wrists. My hands weakened their form and smoothly laid across their chest as i accept the kiss. My eyes fluttered close as i felt bloodhound pull me closer as they felt my tension go away. 

Why did they kiss me instead trying to make me stop hitting them?!


You kissed me just they did yet I can't see their face. Who just kissed me.

I held Apollo as he pulled back and just looked at me.

"I accept your valid feeling because I feel same way. You've always been the thing on my mind and someone I've wanted to protect as I gotten an emotion when I first saw you." Apollo spoke softly as he looked at me as he stood up as his wings fell back in to place yet he didn't seem to be putting them away.

You've fell in with me the first time we met in that elevator.

I knew there was something different about you, Apollo.

Apollo and Moon.

Sun and Moon.

Complete opposites.

Yet always fall for each other no matter what in a lot of mythology tales.

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