Part 2 Chapter 5- Memory protocol

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Please seek our scientists to reset the memory protocol.

The words were flashes as I looked up slightly and watched as the other predators were fighting the intruders.

I need to help...

Get up, wolf.

Get up


Who are you?? What are you doing in my head?!

I am Raudur. Do you not remember m-...wait...what memory protocol is that machine talking about.


I held my head as this voice speaking and calling me Maní. I don't even know her, who is she?!

"Moon! Moon?" Another voice spoke until I looked up slightly and noticed the taller male figure in front of me.

"Sun..." I spoke softly.

"We need to get out of here. We got the legends out and now the others are waiting for us to return." The most words that Sun has spoke to me...

"What happened?"

Please seek our scientists to reset memory protocol

Memory progress 6%

"We must get you back to th-..." suddenly everything turn black sometimes landed hard next to us.



"MOON!" yelling intruded my clouded head.

"moon?" Once again.

Wasn't the building just are we both alive?

My eyes opened once again as I was pulled close to the chest of Sun. The heartbeat was calm as he was kneeled down and just laying close to his chest. Protection hold.

I looked up in the little light we had and noticed some white and gold huge wings over us. The wings seemed delicate but they were holding up all of the building material on top of us.

"Sun...y-you...wings..." I spoke as I felt pain my head again.


Sun didn't say anything but instead got something from his coat and just aiming up above us as he looked up as found a path way for the flare. Perfectly being shot through the multiple holes.

"They'll find us here.." was all that was spoked.

Being help close to Sun's chest caused my head to pound as I got a flash of an memory?


"Artur?" I whispered as the bird flew lower until it was interrupted by the panicked and bloody Bloodhound. My body was soon moved in to the arms of my love.

"Hey, hey. Stay with me." Bloodhound said as they pulled me closer.

"You came back." I said quickly although it was hard to speak.

"Of course, I did. I promised you." They spoke as began to wipe the blood from my face.


What was that?


Memory progress 10%

"Moon, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I don't know! Something is happening!? It shouldn't be happening! It's not my fault!" I yelled until suddenly I heard something like voices got to us and suddenly I felt the sudden refreshing air of the city enter my lung as the wings disappeared and whole bunch of staff members for us predators quickly were in front of me and Sun.

One of had found the ruined broken half mask that I didn't realize had been ruined in the building collapse. They were quick to get me away from Sun and in to the vehicle with multiple different machines. They quickly attached to the back of my head and I felt the sudden flaring pain in my head and just my eyes were opened widen and everything froze as the scientists were working on the malfunction of my memory protocol.

Memory resetting in progress


Memory reset complete.


Vitals- critical.

System is shutting down to conserve power.

"Very well, let's get her back to the labs. We have work to d-..." I couldn't hear anything after so I just laid there in the table staring at the very bright fluorescent lights above my head as the vehicle started up.

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