2 Chapter 18- His wish

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"Mani, You have to stop getting shot at or injured." Apollo spoke as he was sitting me on the table of the weaponry. He had me lift up my shirt and just hold it up as he was bandaging me as the bullet on the side of my waist.

"It is almost as if you want to get yourself killed." Apollo spoke softly as he was bandaging me and being careful.

"Maybe because I've lived so many lives, Perhaps I just want to rest finally." I spoke as I hung my head down as until I felt an strong hand grip my chin and lifted it. His lips came in to contact as he just held close being careful of my wound.

I was always still so shocked about the kissing from Apollo as he was softly holding my face.

"Don't say that, my love. You still have this life to live with me, so don't say that." Apollo whispered softly as his blush was residing on his cheek. My eyes watered up as I was shocked about the level of cuteness and just concern.

"Alright, polo.." I whispered as I nuzzled my head in to his hand.

"Let's get you patched up, Alright? Also pull your shirt off." Apollo spoke as he turned around to grab the rest of the medical kit supplies to finish up. As Apollo was finishing up, I was sitting there as my eyes kept traveling across his face and his figure in the reflection. As Apollo backed up from me, my eyes were just on his body as he was just walking away.

"Polo? How are your wounds?" I spoke softly as I hopped off of the table and walked to Apollo.

"I am fine. I bandaged myself up earlier a-and..." he froze when he felt my hands coming up behind him and up into his shirt.

"What are you doing, Moon?"

"Nothing. Just checking..."

"Moon, if you continue to touch me like this I'll..."

"You'll what?"


"Aren't you not able to control anymore? Hilarious isn't it? The man who kept his composure for as long as I known him is struggling to remain calm. Just because his lover is checking his wounds and his bandages." I was softly speaking as I moved about his body with my hands continuing to soft hover and touching his chest and stomach and back. As I was looking at his face as his eyes were darkened as he quickly grabbed on to my face and my whole body as he forced me on to the table residing behind us.

His hand was forcefully grabbing my face as he finally lost control as he was making out with me.

"Polo...We were in the weaponry...we can't do this here..." I whispered as i pushed his chest away and disconnected our lips as an string of spit was the only thing connecting us now.

His face flushed as a pink and red darkened blush was on his cheeks, as he held on to my face as if he didn't want to stop.

"How come? Afraid of someone walking in?" He smirked as he pulled my waist closer as his lips attached to my neck.


"You, You are afraid? I never thought i would see fear in you, my love.." Apollo spoke as began to pull off the armor and slowly pull over my shirt leaving me in my  sports bra as he was just continuing to kiss down my neck. His free hands were getting my belt and pants off. 

"i-i..i get scared..and this is one of those moments.." I was blushing as I pushed my self up as he pulled off my pants and boots. I watched as he lowered himself to his knees, bringing his dress pants up an bit as he knelled in front of me with his face in between my legs. His metal hand traced up my left leg as goosebumps appeared on it as well due to the cold metal.

"Goosebumps? I wonder??" He spoke as his mouth got closer to my sensitive area until I heard an familiar brother heading down the hallway whistling down the hallway until his footsteps turned around and headed towards the weaponry.

"he-..." Isande began to talk causing my quickest reaction as the door began to open. My foot planted on to Apollo's chest and pushed quickly. As apollo fell backwards towards the table corner until the back of his head collided with it and he groaned.

As I had rolled backwards, my clothes reappeared as it was now my traditional Apex Predator clothing as Apollo kicked my pilot gear and clothing underneath the table while on the ground.

When I heard the bang of when Apollo hit his head, I quickly covered my face and tried not laugh.

"Hey, Mani?" Isande spoke as he stepped in fully this time.

"Yes?" I bit my inner cheek to try not to laugh as Apollo was rubbing his head.

"uhm...Are you okay??" Isande spoke as he noticed my laughter and looked at Apollo was slowly getting up.

"yeah, just slipped on some bandages from Wolf's wounds.." Apollo rubbed his head...

"Okayyyy...Uhm anyways Mani, did you want to come eat with me and Rain? You Know get some FAMILY time?" Isande said it so that Apollo could understand its only for us three.

'Okay..so Isande may not like me' Apollo thought to his self.

"Of course, yes i'll dinner with you guys. Just let me get changed."

"Alright, I'll walk with you to your room. Sun..." Isande looked at Apollo judging like with his eyes scanning up and down. "Get your self cleaned, its an shame with an nice suit. You still look like and mess.." Isande spoke with slight disgust in his voice before walking out with me. "Its and petty to call you an Hyung, as Mani would say in Korean but, i wont since well, you don't seem like an Hyung."

"Isande, stop being mean and let's go.." I noticed how offended and hurt Apollo looked so i pulled on Isande's sleeve.

"Very well.." Isande spoke as he turned without giving Apollo a proper goodnight or goodbye.

"I hope you never marry him.."

"Excuse me..." I stopped walking.

"You heard me, Don't marry him.."


"Just Don't...I also advise you to truly think about who fall in love with."

"I don't understand.."

"I think you do, Moon. Do you understand?"


"Yes, what?"

"I will not marry him, for your wishes."

"Alright..Let's head to your room."

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