2 Part 15- Panic Attack

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"Chief!!! We found them!!" Someone yelled as they busted through the door and looked at me as Apollo was standing at the computer. I was completing putting on my uniform.

"Excuse me?" I spoke as I turned around as I put the wingman in my weapon holster as Apollo grabbed my data knife and handed it to me, but I shook my head slightly for him to hold the knife. All Apollo did was nod and place it in to his waist line and kept it there as he followed me and the person.

"We found them. Far but we found them."

"Did you now? Show me." I followed the person as Apollo followed me and kept thinking of the kiss and such. I had stopped walking and Apollo didn't sense it so he kind of bumped in to me. I held his arm quickly to try not to fall and slightly looked at him like 'stay focus.'

All Apollo showed was slightly red blush as he readjusted my posture and nodded slightly while he looked away as we started to walk again.

We got to the main ship area as it was underground. What I've seen was the others were standing all together in front of an space holographic system with an red blinking dot on the screen.

"Where is it?" I spoke as I stepped up and set my helmet down on the table.

"About 2 days away...they are in another capital city of the syndicate...it's like they are not wanting to let go of the legends." Red spoke as he slightly looked at Apollo who was eyeing the same screen as they were.

"Has anyone heard of the others, phoenix, Sam and sky?" I spoke as I looked at the remaining group.

"They said they were returning in 4 days." Cherry spoke as she set her helmet on the table as well.

"Well... we may have to go without if this is our only opening..." I spoke as looked at everything.

"Of course," Doe spoke as she nodded, as everyone else was nodding.

"Very well let's head out shall we?" I looked at Apollo as he nodded also.


We were all on the ship as the crew got everything ready and we headed off in the deep, dark space.

"Only 3 of us will be wearing pilot uniforms as they are still in the process of being remade. Its going to be me, Cherry and Red." I spoke as I looked at Cherry and red as Apollo, H, Doe, Bucky, Hops and storm all nodded and walked away to their respective areas to relax or sleep.

I sighed as I grabbed my helmet as I headed to my room and relax for a bit. I set the helmet down on the dresser before I walked back out and headed to the little sitting area to look out at the stars.

An hour past, I was still sitting there watching my home planet getting smaller and smaller. Someone cleared their throat and walking in to the sitting area causing me to looked behind me and see Apollo standing there with some Tea.

"You haven't moved from that spot?" He spoke as he set the tea down on the table and sat down next to me.

"It's calming..."I smiled.




"You bumped in to me earlier why was that?" I quickly turned to Apollo.

"I-I...I-..uhm...well..." Apollo got flustered as it popped up in to his mind again. He was just drinking his tea to try and avoid it again.

"Don't worry, I found it cute..." I smiled as I drank the tea as well. All I seen was Apollo shrink in to the chair as he shielded his face from the embarrassment.

All I did was laugh.


Later towards Midnight

I was asleep peacefully in my room as we kept heading towards our destination. As I was sleeping, an nightmare showed up causing me to wake up in an rush. I was panicking as I felt my side hurting from the long ago years of the time revenant and mirage almost killed me. That was the nightmare as it was something that reoccured multiple times.

I was sitting up as my heart rate was elevated and I was panicking. I was sitting up and just allowing my tears beginning to fall as I couldn't relax. I just let out cries as they didn't want to stop dropping.

Red and Apollo were walking about some things outside and were heading off to bed until Apollo heard my panicking and told Red to head off to sleep because Apollo need to check up on me.

"Moon, Are you o-.." he opened the door and noticed my shaking and panicked figure. He panicked and hurried to the bed. He looked at me and quickly grabbed me.

"Moon. Moon. Hey. Hey. Look at me." Apollo spoke as he kept trying to grab me but I was panicking to hard so it causing me to try to get out of apollos grip.

"No! No! Let me go!" I yelled as I tried to get free while I was crying that I didn't know it was Apollo.

"Moon. No. I am not letting go." He spoke as he grabbed me tightly and held me.

"Let me go! Please! Just let me go!" I yelled and began to hit his back. It wasn't until I heard an soft whispered while I broke down in his arms.

"Moon, even the night sky is dark yet the sun always comes to brighten it to scare away the nightmares." Apollo whispered as he grabbed my body and held it close as it relaxed against him.

His eyes watered up as he saw this side of me for the 7th time already. This is counting as 8th time and every time as he realized he fell in love with me gotten always harder.

"It's okay, Moon. We all get those night terrors within our memories, don't worry though. I am here for you now." He whispered again as he smoothened my hair and kissed my head multiple times as he began to rock back and forward so I could relax.


A few more minutes later, we were laying in bed together and he continued to hold me. It was currently 2 in the morning, it took 2 hours to calm me down but he figured out it wasn't about The amount time it took but by the fact he was able to calm me down.

"How did you know I was panicking?" I spoke softly as I was laying on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"I heard you crying and decided to check up on you."

"I am sorry if it was loud. I didn't mean..."

"Hush, you don't need to apologize. Trust me I get those nightmares also, so don't apologize." He kissed my head softly.

"I know. I know. I hear you also." I whispered as I snuggled my head in to his chest as he pulled up the covers as it was getting a little colder.


Wait she hears me?

But she never said anything before?

Moon? What else have you heard?


"Just get some rest, I can tell you are drained, Moon." I spoke softly as I felt her grip tightly on to me as if she was terrified that I was going to disappear.

Don't worry, moon

I won't be going anywhere any time soon.

I'll stay here, My love.




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