Chapter 3- Dinner

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Rauður ran happily as he followed his nose of the food.

Me and lifeline walked down the hall in silence cause I would just ignore her or just nodded when she asked me a question.

Lifeline was trying to make conversation with me by asking how I got in to the apex games or what my name means or what other languages I speak. It was just turning annoying to me as i was just trying to walk in silence. I heard the laughing of the other legends as Rauður ran in to the room.

Me and Lifeline or Ajay followed in after and everyone seemed to look up.

"Oh, you actually got her to come, Amgia." Octane spoke with his hispanic accent.

"Yes, she actually agreed with out a fight." Ajay spoke happily as she placed her arm around my shoulder causing me to quickly flinch and kind of coward but her weight just stayed there. I realized that the legends were able to see that so i just slowly looked up yet seen the legends were just going or caring about the food.

"What?! You guys ate all of the food." Mirage went to go get more but all of it was gone.

Ajay quickly hurried to the counter and saw that mirage was right.

"Wow. We need to start making more ey?" She laughed slightly.

"I can buy some more. Dont worry." I mumbled as I looked at the legends. Rauður looked up at me as he barked softly.

"Getur þú farið að sækja grímuna mína?" I spoke to my wolf as he quickly ran off. I was waiting as he ran down to my room.

"Are ya sure about the food?" Lifeline spoke.

All I did was nod and dug in my pockets for leather gloves and just walked to a place where I had placed my second jacket. I heard the clicking of his collar. I looked down and seen he grabbed my mask and I just went to the door.

"I'll be back." I mumbled to the legends.

They were to froze or not focused as I walked out with the wolf.

"So, she's getting our food. I mean what if she poisons it or-or lying. I mean I am good for free food but I can easily make some my signature porkchops." Mirage panicked.

"No, Bruhda. We will wait. She is offering so we must agree so we end up on her good side."

"Pure simple minds." Caustic said to the legends as they agreed with Gibraltar.

"You dont have to wait here, 바보." Crypto spoke to caustic not willing to deal with his shit right now. All he wants to do is eat.

Caustic looked well glared at Crypto.


I was waiting in the lobby as I was just holding the jacket and gloves next to the restrooms. I was just watching the snow fall again out.

"Loksins lykta ég ekki eins og hundur." A voice interrupted my think process. I turned around and seen a boy standing as he adjusted his sleeves. I grabbed the collar from him as I gave him the gloves and jacket.

"English, Rau- i mean Luca." I cleared my throat as i saw him putting on the coat and clothes. I was just waiting as he was shimming to get on the coat. I just sighed and just grabbed it and put it up on him. I heard a low growl as he didnt like that i helped him but i wacked the back of his head.

"remember who feeds you." I rolled my eyes as i began to walk.

"Hey!" He growled and ran to me. He sighed as he noticed that i was cold again.

"You know i can change back you can have this jacket." Luca said worried.

"No, i'll be fine but you are gunna have to change back when we get back. Since your accident you have limited time from the chiefs." We were walking to the resturant that i know all to well. I got a huge order and got Luca to carry the bag with me. I looked at luca like he needs to change back. I was just surrounded by bags as i waited. I was humming until i felt a nudge. I pulled out the collar and place it around Luca's neck.

I then lifted a bag so it be in his mouth so he can carry at least one but he grabbed two leaving me with four bags along my arms and hands.

We got back to the main area as I pushed open the door. The legends turned and lit up once they saw the food.

Octane quickly ran up and grabbed the bags. I just kind of froze when I seen him and the legends began to eat. Only crypto, bloodhound, revenant, wraith and caustic were the only one who were not in the mess of the food.

Me and Rauður went and sat down on the couch waiting. I sat down and Rauður or Luca laid his head on my lap as I began to pet.

Who knew dinner can be so hectic in the legend dorms?

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