Chapter 18- "Get them out?!"

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I was confused and just looking at the notebook from Rauður. I was reading his write until I head his familiar dress shoes. I looked up and seen him in the bath room stall.

"Ástin mín, are you okay?" He spoke softly as he saw me sitting on the toilet seat.

I looked up as old memories came back that I pushed away because of the trauma. I looked at Rauður and teared up.

He quickly hurried to my side and hugged me. There was always a reason he would be by my side. I hugged him tightly suddenly as I cried hard. I held his coat as I cried in to his chest.

"Ástin mín." He whispered as he rubbed my hair.

My memories came after he took over my body and mind. I heard a knock on door and felt Rauður body or whatever suddenly fade as I felt my arm collid to my chest. I returned to reality and quickly stood up, wiping my face and opened the door to a worried lifeline or Ajay Che.

"Are ya okay?" She asked softly.

I recalled from the book about my period.

"Yes. Yes. I am just you know had to change my thing." I spoke as a man walked by us as I was confused but remained calm.

"Oh. Sorry. We are receiving food so I wanted to get you just in case you passed out or something." She smiled as she locked her arm with mine.

"Ah. I am fine." I smiled sweetly as I was walking with her.

Rauður you couldn't have picked flats and not heels.

We sat at the table again which was ?Me, Crypto, bloodhound, octane, lifeline and Wattson as the other were to our right. I was confused on my surroundings and who was actually talking or playing the music and why we were having this whole party thing.

So many people.

I was looking around as I was drinking the red wine. I noticed bloodhound in a suit and stared at them for a bit as they were watching the band play the music.

it's you that I lie with as the atom bomb locks in. (If you know that song then oof I love you. Hah)

I remembered the random song lyric as I got a flash of memories. The fragile baby. The man in a black suit and me in a traditional white dress. I came back to a Crypto saying my name.

"Máni, you ok?" He spoke softly as he looked at me 

"Yeah, just thinking about home." I smiled as I drank out my cup again to avoid any worried expressions from the others. I watched as the couples or people danced to the music and got a memory returned as it showed two people in a white dress and a man in a black suit being lit up by a spotlight as they danced in the center of the room. 

We began to eat moments later as the dancing was over. Something felt odd as it was to peaceful and different. I may have not been here most of the week but I can tell something i gonna happen. I looked to see bloodhound feeling the same atmosphere change as well. 

I guess we are different breed. lol then everyone else. We can feel the unsteadiness in the apmosphere.

I was just drinking my wine before I felt a tap from mirage.

"U-uhm...would you want to dance?" He spoke softly as the slow dancing started up again. I froze but nodded as I finished my drink and grabbed his hand to dance with him.

Bloodhound glared at mirage as he was just watching bloodhound as he knew he had ticked them off. Bloodhound began to side watch as me and Mirage were dancing together. I felt their eyes on us so i began to question mirage. 

"Elliot, Why is Bloodhound watching us?" I spoke as Mirage rested their left hand around my waist and his right hand held my left hand. My right arm laid on top of his arm as my hand was on his shoulder as we were dancing. 

"They are jealous." He spoke as we were just following the movements of the other couple or people dancing around us. 

"Jealous of?" I said as he spun me a bit.

"Its nothing. They are just jealous." He smiled as he pulled me back as we danced around.

"Okay. Also you look nice in this. It's nice for a change." I said as I adjusted his tie and clean his shoulder off of some fuzz.

"I know right." He smiled then winked.

I heard screams from far when something suddenly made a loud bang. I felt everything turn still as I went closer to mirage. I saw the legends quickly stand together and then staff of apex as well. Mirage left me to stand there behind him as I froze. I saw people I have seen before but didnt say anything. They started to search for us, the legends.

I stood behind mirage as he suddenly protectively. I heard low command of get it. I felt a hand attach itself to cover my mouth as I felt a sharp pain in my side. I stared up at the ceiling as I felt the pain then the grip turning tight.

I realized. MY BLOOD. Its unique due to the curse and the wolf stuff. It has the ability of healing people quickly cause of it. The staff actually told me about it when I first joined because I didnt notice mu quick healing ability like octane. I forgot.

My vision was turning blank until I felt a familiar being take over my body.


I felt the instinct to bite. I bit on to the hand causing the man to let out a yell causing Crypto and Mirage to turn.

The staff saw us just frozen the man fixated on getting my blood cause of the healing ability.

"Get them out of here?!?" She yelled as she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the legends.

I turned to her and mumbled sorry.

"Its okay. Take them home with you. You'll be safe there. We will postpone the games and wait till you, legends are safe." She whispered to me.


"Go. You are in charge of keeping them safe." She spoke as her eyes drifted to my waist to where the blood was coming out.

"I am to much trouble for this." I spoke.

"You knew this would when you signed up. We told you the risks." She spoke as she rubbed my cheek like a mother would.

"Okay." I looked at the legends.

"Go. Get them out of here and to the ship. Give the Pilot your planet coordinates." She spoke softly as the men were fighting off the bad guys if you would say 

I nodded.

So much trouble for my drop of blood but the question is how did they know me and mirage were dancing?

How did they know we were here?

Unless one of the legends sent them information.

But who?

I turned to the other and began to worried and scared.

Who's the traitor?


Okay. So long chapter again.

My head hurts so I am gonna make this short.

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