Chapter 6- Friend?

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"Félagi, what happened?" They said worried.

"Nothing." I lied.

"The gods help me tell if you are lying and you are. So.." they stepped closer.

Memories of abuse and torture flashed from tribal members and medicine men. I quickly reacted when I felt a sudden warmth on my cut hand. I pushed bloodhound back and growled as my eyes flared red.

Bloodhound just stared at me as they stepped back to give me space.

I scoffed as I noticed the scared movements so I turned and walked to go deal with my hand.

I growled at them. Oh no. Then I scoffed what the heck?!

I walked away to the elevator to go see the staff medic and not show lifeline and have her getting mad at mirage.

I was standing in the elevator as I ripped off my glove of my cut hand. I threw my bloody glove to the floor as I held my hand.

I whined softly causing a dog like sound escaped my mouth.


A few hours later after we finished our training. We were in the dining hall waiting for the dinner provided by the staff to be finished.

Máni was sitting alone as she was listening to music and on her phone. The nurse staff helped her hand and is wrapped in a bandage.

The legends left me alone as I wasn't talking to them. I saw a a drink get settled in front of me on the table.


I looked up and seen mirage.


"What?" I said as I pulled out my earplugs annoyed slightly.

"That's a-an a apology d-drink." Mirage said as he sat down.

"What if its poisoned? Cause you are always coming after me" I stared at him.

"Uhm, d-do I seem like a person as handsome as this, to poison you?" Mirage suddenly got a rush of confidence.

This caused me smile slightly at him and reached to get the cup.

"Ah, sorry about the hand." Mirage quickly returned to the insecure little cinnamon roll.

I just shrugged and just drank the drink he gave me.

"What is it?" I looked at the cup.

"Just some of my own concoction." Mirage said as he drank from his cup with a smile.

"You are drinking? In the middle of day." I lifted my eyebrow and drank from my cup.

"Hey! You are still d-drinking it?!" He stood up and slammed on the table causing the attention of the other to come to me and him.

I tried to hold in a laugh but I couldn't so i let out a laugh for joy. The first laugh in a while. The comforting laughter erupted from my throat as I fell back against my chair.

Mirage smiled and laughed as well after a while as he sat down.

We shared a laugh together.

I think I developed a love-hate friendship.


We were getting on the ship after dinner as Mirage was just talking to me aboout his bar back home. saying we should go or we should get drinks or something like that. I can tell he doesn't really have any friends that listen to him. I mean he does talk alot but its comforting for me to hear someone else talking about their life or anything. 

I was half way up until i heard a distant howl from a wolf. I froze when i heard so i turned around began to scan around the area. 


Mirage noticed i stopped walking besides him. He turned around seen my alarming look and confusion. 

"hey? Whats wrong?" He hurried to my side again. 

" there any animals on this planet?" I turned to Mirage and was confusing. 

"No, Bloodhound couldn't track any when we first came here." Mirage said as he placed his arm scaredly around my shoulder. 

"hm. i swear i heard a howl" I mumbled as i shrugged not caring about his arm right now but when i shrugged, he flinched. 

i turned to him and smiled. I grabbed his arm and pulled him. 

"Come on." I laughed slightly. 

Mom. I made a friend like you said. 


Sorry for the two day wait but i know this kind of short but i have a idea for the next chapter so yeah. '

Comment, read, and add to libaray and Enjoy. 

Author out! 

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