2 Chapter 13- closer..

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Ten Years Later

     "Moon, Let's get you awake, Shall we?" A voice spoke as someone entered in to the bedroom as the mechanical door open with an air like sound. The boots with the sound along with slight metal clinging was softly sounding through the darkened room.

     "Iris, open the windows.." He spoke once again as he stepped to be at the foot of my bed and just straightened his back when he noticed the axe forced in to the metal dresser across from the bed. He turned to the axe and pulled it from the dresser and laid it on the dresser instead.

"Good Morning, Apollo. The weather is Cloudy with an 45 percent chance of rain. Moon's vitals are stable as her wounds reopened due to her movement abilities with the pilot gear."

The voice spoke as the windows began to peak through then cracks of the opening curtains.

"Moon get up

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"Moon get up." He sighed as he looked out the window slightly before turning to me.

"No, I am good."

"Moon, get up." He sighed.

"No, Apollo I am not getting up. Unless you have good news for me, I am not getting up."

"Some more pilot gear was completed last night an-..." Apollo spoke before he saw that I was awake and now standing in front my pilot gear which was one of the first ones completed and remade.

Let's rewind shall we?

2 years prior

"Moon, I don't think we should be doing this!!" Cherry spoke as we were sneaking in to an guarded part of the new and rebuilt village with higher technology and caught up to the rest of the world.

"Shush...we are fine. Plus we aren't doing anything bad, we are just exploring." I smiled as I pulled her arm through the metal fence and careful the guards of the village looking around.

We made our way in to the ran down building as it was almost military built building. We got in through the window and Cherry almost fell of the high platform below the window before I grabbed on to her arm and pulled back before she let out an scream.

"Don't scream."

"I am trying not too but I almost died from an 40 foot drop." She whispered yelled at me as I had let her go.

All my reaction was an laugh.

We made our way through the environment as the guards inside the building to prevent foolish teenagers from entering the already dangerous building. Me and Cherry gotten to ground level as she quickly disappeared in to the different, I was looking at different things also.

I froze when I seen an helmet on the ground along side many different clothing items but the helmet caught my attention.

"Chief! What you are doing here? This place is dangerous!" Someone spoke from behind me.

"Oh?" I quickly turned around as I hid the helmet behind my back but as I turned around I noticed something was covered in the plastic blanket. It was something huge as It caught my eye.

"What is that?" I spoke as I turned away from the men in front of me.

"Uhm!! Chief! I don't think you should touch that!" One of the men yelled as they tried to stop me from pulling off the cover. I was just silent as I was heading towards the mysterious object below the cover.

"Chief!!" They chased after me while I got the object and pulled off the sheet, recovering something taller than me although it was sitting down. It was an mechanical machine in the shape of it sitting.

I was staring at it until i felt an hand grab my arm, one of the guards.

"Chief, I advise you to leave the premises." He sighed so I nodded and turned back to titan looking machine. I looked up and noticed the window that me and cherry entered in from as I saw her exit the building safely.

Hopefully she got the data I wanted.


"It's a shame, you gotten the first prototype of the gear that you are making to enhance our chances of finding the Legends." Apollo spoke as he watched my computer as it was open with all of programming and different things.

"Just like your brother, Moon." Apollo spoke again to me as i finished up getting dress.

"It's an Shame that you only wear formal outfits, you need to relax an bit. See, You are wearing and white button up with an black vest with an tie as well, Black dress pants and just black shoes. Your hair is always messy as it just lays there, Your beard is not neat well not always perfect. You hide your scar." I said as I sat him down on the chair in front of my mirror. As I was talking about his scar, my finger softly across his right eye as an short yet deep scar was across his eye resulting in his dark brown eye to get an streak of grey in his eye color.

Apollo looked at my reflection as he noticed how delicate I was touching his face. His hand slowly grabbed mine to prevent from me touching him any farther.

"Moon, I-..." he pulled closer slightly until the door busted opened with Red standing there.

"The pilot gear is on-..." Red spoke with hyped attitude until he noticed what was happening. "Oh...ooh!!" Red yelled as he noticed that Apollo was holding my wrist and pulling me close and me holding his face slightly as Apollo was sitting.

"Moon and Apollo are dating!!!!" Red yelled as he ran down the hallways to tell the other predators.

Both of our faces erupted with embarrassment and well I quickly panicked and gotten free from his grip and in front of my computer.

"I-if you could get my data from the o-others that would be great..." I spoke as I looked away from Apollo.

"Y-Yeah, I can get it..." Apollo spoke silently before quickly hurrying out the bedroom.

Wait an stutter from Apollo??

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