2 Part 16- Blame

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Although the sun slightly getting through the dark sky outside in space to notify that it is time to wake you up. I was awoken by the need to use the restroom. I opened my eyes and saw the sleeping Apollo below me as his arm was wrapped around my waist and his other arm was across his head to shield his eyes from any sun light or light to awake him.

I looked over his face as I noticed his gloves were off, so I leaned over and started to check his mechanical hand as an habit of seeing something I could repair.

"Moon, You are doing it again." The tired deep voiced male spoke underneath me said.

"Ah sorry..."I sighed as I released his hand and stood up to put the uniform back on as we were are set to arrive at any moment due to our increased speed while we were asleep.

Apollo sat up and looked at me as I was getting dress but only because I've been having difficulties with my side wound from 10 years ago from properly healing cause I kept reopening my wound multiple times and doing many different things to open it.

"You have to stop opening that wound..." Apollo sat up as he looked at me.

"First of all why are you looking at my wounds again and two why are you getting flustered?" I said I turned around as I was just wearing the bottom of the uniform with an sport bra and tank top tucked in to the uniform.

^uniform if it's completely on Just imagine the bottom half is on

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^uniform if it's completely on Just imagine the bottom half is on.

Apollo was quickly panicked when he realized he watched me changing and realizing he was staring at my wounds. He quickly hid his face in the pillows and just tried to ignore the fact that it happened.

"Apollo..." I walked to my bed and set my other two things down and crawled on the bed, pulling down away from his face as it was still red.

"Watch your blushing around everyone, okay? I don't want them to think that you are feeling sick or anything" I spoke softly before quickly pecking his lips and getting off the bed to head out.

Apollo suddenly turned bright red as he realized that I kissed him again and got worried for him. He quickly just sunk in to the blankets and disappeared in to the blankets to hide his flushed face and embarrassment.

A few minutes later, he joined us in the little meeting area as we were all drunk coffee or water or eating. Apollo sat down next to me as I slid the cup of tea to him. Apollo nodded to me as I began to talk about our plan to save the legends.



Four of us were standing on the rooftop aligned to the tallest building residing in the highest tech city. The rain was beginning to fall around us as we all were standing on the edge.

"Red and Cherry go to the top of the rooftop. Apollo, go through the entrance, try not cause any attention to yourself. I'll go through the middle and just cover in all of the building to find them." I looked towards the three people surrounding me as they looked up at the different building.

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