Chapter 13- First Game Pt.2

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One second before I start writing. The stuff after this chapter will happen a few months or a year after Máni joined so I get the story going.

I spent 13 chapter on her first few days and alot has happened.

I would like to get in to the really good stuff but for now. Her first game 


May the allfather bless you.

I jumped from the drop ship heading to the far city on the map as I seen no one land there, which was called the Skyhook.

I landed as I left a red trail of the sky stuff. I quickly got to work on finding a weapon and some shields and a evo shield.

I was humming as I was just searching building to building to get a weapon cause of the first building was nothing but heals, attachments and other stuff.

I saw my favorite gun which was a Flatline and got the ammo. It was  Quiet for the first half until I heard familiar machincal legs running as I was now at the train yard and looting around as the main ring was at the Captiol City.

I heard the talking as I silently began to walk along the side of one of the smaller house as they were on top.

Who's there?

"Come on, Amigo. I havent had a fight yet and I am bored." Octane spoke as he complained.

"Be quiet." Wraith spoke as she heard from her voices someone is around here.

They stopped walking as I knew they heard me or well wraith did. I froze and stopped my walking as I heard them coming over to the edge. I looked up and seen the familiar man.


I began to walk slowly as I began to slow my breathing to focus on the other two. I saw the stair case on the side.

I began to think of what I can do. I have used my passive already so I looked down at my little key pad thing on my wrist and saw my tactical is ready.

I smirked to myself and moved my hand in a motion quickly.

A light blue spirit wolf appeared out of thin air before it shifted to a black wolf with red eyes. The wolf look at me and I nodded.

It ran off as it ran up the stairs and barked causing the trio to shoot at it.

So they are holding down their triggers. They aren't thinking smart and wasting their bullets.

The wolf actually disappeared as the group began to complain well Mirage complained and Octane laughed at mirage. 

"She just oh my God.." Mirage complained.

"Ha. She bamboozled the bamboozle master." Octane laughed.

"Guys, quiet. This doesn't mean she isnt around here." Wraith sighed.

I quietly walked up the steps as they were arguing well mirage and octane were. I equipped a arc star and recalled the time mirage tried to hit me with one.

I popped up and threw it.

Wraith quickly phased away from mirage as it tagged him. Octane stimmed away the opposite direction as it was getting ready to explode.

"Hey guys. dont leave me?!" Mirage said as he didnt notice the arc star.

"No, Amigo! You got a arc star?!?!" Octane said as he jumped from the roof.

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