Chapter 21- Forever

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The legends were just thinking over the whole truth of my life.

A few hours had passed, Daehyun had took the legends to the extra rooms so they can rest up.

Everyone was now aware of my presence in village as they have awaken in the morning.

I was resting in my bedroom as the morning has welcomed the day. Daehyun was making breakfast for the legends as I was sleeping. 


Warm blood was pooled around my body as I laid in the cold snow.

Everything was slow and different.

The pain was unbearable. The flashes of everything made me colder with pain.

The blurriness of someone of top of me pushing something in to my chest area.

The crying from the person as my head was it was dug in to the snow as the head resting in to the snow as the warm blood was falling across the face

"D....dont go.." the sobbed figure spoke. "Dont leave. You are my everything. Allfather please dont take my love."

"Dont take her." The figure spoke.


I sat up as I was healed but also weak. I was just looking out my window as the snow was falling lightly. The sunshine was falling apon the floor.

Sunny, Snowy day.

I heard the legends laughing downstairs as Daehyun cooking in the kitchen.

The house is lively after so long. It makes it feel like home once again. I sat up in the bed and saw clothes set out for me on the table that Daehyun picked in the early morning.

I slowly yet steadily got up out of the bed. As the floor board creaked underneath my weight, I heard the clinking of the pans stop as Daehyun heard my walking or my footstep.

I heard her voice speak up until I heard her footstep walking downstairs and also up the steps. I stood up and held my side but also leaned against the wall for support.

"Máni, may I come in?" She spoke finally.

"Very well." I mumbled as I leaned against the wall. She noticed my weakness and panicked to make me sit upon the bed.

"Sit. Sit. You shouldn't have stodden up." She spoke as she spoke softly.

"I am fine, Daehyun." I spoke as I tried again to stand.

"No you arent so sit there as I get your clothes and your shoes" she spoke strictly.

I froze as I realized that she sounded like bloodhound when we were in the ship. I smiled to my self lightly as I recall me and them sleeping together and the warmth.

Daehyun was getting me dress as I was in my own world.

"How did the legends sleep?"

"Theyve said they slept well except for the coldness of the night, but I've handled it as I retrieved more fire wood and longer lasting wood from the woodcutter." Daehyun spoke as she pulled on the coat over my shoulders.

With the coat on, my hand immediately rest back over my side. Daehyun helped me stand and beginning to walk to go wait for food.

Why would a simple stab get my walking horrible or something like that?

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