2 Chapter 17- Who are you!?

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A Few hours later

Apollo allowed me to stay in his room as he knew that I would just destroy everything in result of my anger.

Apollo had laid me in his bed as I had passed out due the blood lost that he bandaged up and due to my breakdown. He had sat down on the bed as he just hung his head low as he held it and his head in his hands. He was just staring at the ground in between his legs.

Soft little cries began to happen as he buried his face in to his hands and just tried to stop crying until he heard soft movements from behind him.

"Polo?" I whispered as I woken up, the soft lighting in his room was softly lighting up my face.

"Yes?" He spoke soft as he had cleared his throat to avoid any voice cracks as he knew I would be able to see him if he cried due to the soft lightly.

"Are you okay?" I spoke as I sat up as the pain in my arm rises yet I still ignored.

"I am fine. You should be asleep." He whispered as he looked towards me.

"I've gotten some sleep but right now you are lying to me..." I looked at him as I leaned to touch his face but I decided to do something. I got up to move his arms to allow me to straddle his lap and hug him as I knew he need the hug.

Apollo was surprised by this but allowed this amount of comfort to happen as he just buried his head in to my shoulder and began to cry. My hand went to his hair and just was softly smoothing it to allow a lot more comfort.

"You shouldn't stay so strong all the time. Yes we may need someone to look up too, but we all need times to let loose. Okay?" I whispered as just hugged him tighter being careful of his wounds.

All i felt was an soft nod and the continued crying in my arms.


A few days later

We were all settled back home and now dealing with Cherry and such, but right now was an normal calm day as everyone was eating breakfast in the cafeteria hall area.

Yet I seem to be inside my office as I was looking at the defects of what happened to Cherrys gear. I couldn't understand how my bullet went through her helmet and shattered it completely until felt an hand wrap around my mouth and an knife pressed against my neck.

My quick reaction was to grab the person by the arm and quickly switch everything around. I held the knife now and knocked her face with my elbow and caused her face to bleed until I felt another knife get pressed on my lower back.

"Let her go..." A voice spoke as it was low and soft at the same time.

The girl looked at me and quickly slammed me against the wall and my body screamed in pain as the bruises and my arm was hurting. The mysterious girl was holding me on my neck as she raised me off the floor. I was kicking against the wall and just was choking as I held her arm as my head was burning.

"W-Who Are you?" I spoke suddenly as my head was exploding from the lack of oxygen.

Suddenly the women gasped as she let me go causing me to crash to the floor as I began to cough as I held my neck. The male figure also was in shock as he panicked.

"Maní?" The male spoke to me as he stepped closer in to the light.

As I looked up at the two figures until an booming headache took over my head.


Middle of the night was when we woke up, the screaming and howls.

"Go to the kids?!" Our father yelled as he grabbed his bow. Our mother ran to our room walking us up.

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