2 chapter 12- Home?

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As the ship landed, I was awake and just laying on the couch like bed as the others stood up.

"Moon, let's get you up." Red spoke as he stood up quickly as I was struggling to stand.

"No! I will be okay!" I yelled as I stood up. Everyone suddenly stopped walking and turned to me, when they turned around, an red eyes was staring at them with bright anger.

"Okay, Moon. Calm down." Apollo spoke as he turned as he noticed the snowy environment. "Besides I doubt you will be able to walk in this snow."

"No...I've done it before I can do it again." I spoke as I wasn't realizing an few of my memories were returning.

"Very well, Red. You heard her. She is fine." Apollo spoke to the others as they nodded and stood in the windy snow area.

"Where are we? It's so cold."



Just whistle

Okay here it goes but if you are lying to me

I was leaning against the ship's side and raised my finger to my mouth and let out an loud whistle causing the other to scared by the sudden high pitched sound. As it had echoed through the woods to our side and in to the just snow fogged area, wolves began to bark as the other quickly came to my side as an protective thing.

I heard an familiar yet not so familiar male voice yelling commands in Icelandic language same as bloodhounds. I was standing there as I was holding my side as my wound was bleeding.

"Varlega! Bíddu ... er að þú, höfðingi? (Careful!! Wait...Is that you, Chief?)" The male figure spoke as he stood on the dog sled until he looked closer at me.

"No, you aren't hurt although you are her but mentally you aren't. What did they do you?" He spoke as he stepped off his sled and walked towards me until Red and Apollo quickly acted as Apollo pulled his pistol and Red did as well. They aimed straight at his head as he stopped walking in the fear but wasn't scared at all.

Make them stand down. He won't hurt you... I promise. Just allow him to help you unless you guys will freeze to death.

"He said that you won't hurt us and you'll help us." I spoke up as I was tense from how they were reacting.

"Of course not. Never I will harm you, Moon." He spoke to me as he suddenly knew about my new identity as someone told him.

"Rauður, seek that she will find her direction to normal." The man spoke again quietly before gestured to the sled for us to get on.

"Let's get you home, Moon and the others." The man nodded and laid his hand across his heart and bowed his head.

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