Part 2 Chapter 10- 25%

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Me and the other were standing somewhere out of sight as I was leaning on the wall as I held my side, coughing up blood.

Why is it always you? Something bad happens always to you. It's such an shame being the main protagonist doesn't it?


The predators were looking at me scared as I was noticing how my different systems were behaving.

'Iris, do an diagnostics check.' An voice spoke softly and I looked up and I realized it was Apollo speaking to iris for me.

"Running diagnostics...vitals are critical...survival without any treatment is 25%...recommend seek medical help...remaining time until systems shut down 5 hours..." iris spoke to the predators as they were shocked and scared.

I groaned out loud and coughed up blood as I just fell to the ground. Cherry acted quickly and caught me before I fell farther.

"Apollo we can't stand here, we need t-..." Cherry began to speak.

"No. We can't. All of our systems are shocked and we are disobeying orders. We can't simply head back acting like everything is okay." Apollo spoke calming as he grabbed an hold of me and lifted me up on to his back.


"Apollo be careful with her!" Sky spoke as his voice was very innocent like yet sounded young out of all of us. His voice soft yet powerful.

"Do you want to carry her?" Apollo spoke as he adjusted me on his back.

"N-No." sky spoke as he looked down.

"Don't look so down... we are all stressed about her...don't worry." Apollo spoke calming and looked at him quietly.

"But where are we going to go.." another voice spoke up, Bun, an soft and sweet voice. It was silky and soft with the hint of fear but she was remaining strong. She had an slight accent of Russian culture.

The coordinates of her old home, Iris.

Very well.


"MIRAGE!!" Wattson quickly yelled as mirage was still in the floor trying to recover from the painful choke hold.

"What did you do that, Elliot?" The male best friend spoke, Tae-Joon as he was there quicker than Wattson.

"Because she shot at you..." Elliot coughed out and held his neck as his voice dry and airy.

"Yet it didn't give you a reason to go and get pinned on the wall by the strongest person amongst all of us! You are such a fool! You could have died and what was I supposed to do if you did!!" Tae-Joon yelled as he glared and quickly hugged mirage in an panic.

Elliot was in shock due to the sudden hug from the very antisocial and non- loving show person.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I a-am fine..." Elliot stuttered as he heard an soft sniffle from the Korean scared male figure.

"Also how are you not in pain from your shoulder?" Elliot spoke quickly as he noticed the blood on his own hand.

"I-I am in pain, just worried about you. 당신은 여전히 ​​그런 바보 야 (You are still such an fool.)" Tae-Joon quickly backed away and just realized what he did as soft red blush was on his cheek.

"Come on, Tae- Joon. Let's get that shoulder fixed, yeah?" Natalie spoke as she grabbed on Tae-Joon's other arm and help him up.

"Yeah, you two, mirage." Tae-Joon spoke also to the other male figure who was trying to talk normally again.

As the conversation was going on, Bloodhound was looking out at that same window as they watched as Maní headed off in direction once again away from them.

Why do you always travel so far from me?

You looked like you did when I last laid my eyes on you but their was pain and anger in those eyes.

All father please help her and return her back to normal.

Bloodhound was about to walk away until they noticed amongst Moon's blood laid an familiar necklace, the wolf pendent. As bloodhound leaned down to grab the necklace, they felt eyes staring at them so they looked up and was met with familiar yet unfamiliar same colored eyes as Maní.

They stared until the mysterious figure knew they were spotted and quickly turned around and ran off through the build across them and disappeared.

Odd those eyes looked like Maní's but they were different.

They looked older and different in color.


Could there be two of them?


I doubt it.

Maybe an sibling.

She never said she had an sibling. She said they died, they aren't alive. I need to head home, I am beginning to hallucinate Maní everywhere.


"What are we doing here?" Sam spoke, he was Gibby's protector yet was golden retriever like vibes.

"It's an ship port, what do you think we are here for?" H spoke as he was looking for an empty yet good enough plane for us. He was the smarts and the computer person of the predators as he was Lifelines protector.

"Iris, diagnostics check." Apollo spoke as he set me down, my face was begin to lost its color slightly as the blood had dropped on to his coat and began to stain his shoulder.

"Running diagnostics...vital stable for now...survival is 20%...advise for medical attention...system shut in 3 hours.." iris spoke in everyone's ear as her words began to haunt their heads.

"If we can get to that ship then we can enter those coordinates and began to patch up Moon." H spoke as he pointed to the ship on the far side of the landing strip of multiple ships.

"Then let's get there." Red spoke as he was revenant's monitored protector. He was just silent as revenant was but was again the different brains of the group.

Apollo leaned down picked me up again as my soft painful groan escape.

"I am sorry, we are almost there." Apollo spoke quietly and followed after the predators who began to run to the plane.

"It's going to be okay, we will get home. I promise.." Apollo spoke as Red hacked in to the ship's systems and opened the door and all of them ran in and shut the doors as the system went online.

"Welcome, please enter destination.." the system spoke to them as they stood there.

"Take me home.." I whispered as I was slowly giving out due the bleeding out.

"Thank you for the input, Maní. Heading to the outlands, home planet, Adoni."


What is home?

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