Chapter 2- Room

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Every legend watched my wolf as it began to walk around back to smell the legends.

Bloodhound looked down at the wolf as it stood in front of them. Máni was quiet as she stood there.

"Watch this." Mirage hit octane's shoulder playfully as he smirked and walked towards Máni. "so you are Máni, that means moon so you are the moon in my sky." Mirage said as he walked closely to Máni as he laid his hand on her shoulder.

Máni quickly acted and grabbed his hand and flipped his body over her shoulder with a kick to his leg. Mirage fell to the ground hard and lost his breath.

"Like the staff said, don't touch me." Máni's voice was thick with a silk like accent from her native language. Her voice was soft and sweet, but it also had a hint of disgust in.

The legends began to laugh.

"Bruhda, you have to stop touching new legends. Crypto already hurt ya shoulder." Gibraltar laughed.

"Well, she-she didn't look that strong, I mean that didnt hurt." Mirage panicked and stood up quickly.

Máni rolled her eyes and whistled for her wolf as she went to look around the building for her room.

"Finndu herbergið okkar." Máni spoke to the wolf. Bloodhound's ears perked up as he heard the familiar language from her lips.

"Do ya need help to look for ya room?" Lifeline spoke sweetly.

"No, my wolf will search it out." Máni spoke softly before walking off down the halls following the wolf who was sniffing around the hall.

Máni heard one of the legends say.

"Amigo, I think she doesn't like you." A Latino Male spoke to mirage.

*Máni's POV*

My wolf, who's named Rauður or red in English was searching for the room whined quietly at me.

Quick AN: italic lettering is Icelandic language unless I want to translate it lol.

"What?" Máni spoke to the wolf.

The wolf whimpered.

"He touched me. I had too. Who knows what he touched. Ah. Remind me to clean my jacket." I spoke as I felt suddenly gross from the germs.

We got to the room with a bed, desk and closet along the walls and nothing else in it

"I guess we are gonna have to decorate it huh, Rauður." I spoke as the wolf ran to the bed and laid down it claiming it as his already. I smiled from underneath my mask. I pulled off the mask and just took off my coat and just looked out the window.

So this is the main city who thought of the blood sport of the Apex Games.

Me and Rauður decided to just sit in the room, trying to take in the fact we are actually in the city and not home in the Outlands.

We are warm as he was just laying his body along mine as we sat in the window seat area and watching the outside world, quietly.

"We are legends, Rauður." I mumbled as I petted his soft fur. Rauður was asleep as his paws rested against the cold window leaving a warm kind of placement steam imprint on it. The foggy outline of his paws were so captivating to see as it would die down and return with each deep sigh of Rauður. The warmth just leaving the imprint that he is alive.

I closed my eyes as I remember the yells of my sister, mother and father. The emptiness of my arms as I dreamt. The shallowness of my breathing as I ran into the wood as the fire burned a red imprint on to my hand. I held snow on to my hand all those years ago as I ran. The screaming and my soft foot steps among the snow. The snow becoming red and glowing orange at the sight of the piercing red and orange lighting.

Quickly jolting awake as I woke to harsh knocking on the metallic door. The clinging of Rauður's collar as he jumped from the bed.

I wiped my sweat from my face with my gloved hand. I stood up and walked to the door as my boots softly landed on the tile floor. I opened the door to see a familiar yet unfamiliar face.

"Ah, Howd yah settling in?" The person of color spoke.

I realized my mask was off but noticed the room was now dark so she couldn't really see my face.

"I never introduced myself, Ajay Che or Lifeline as my legend name." She offered her hand.

My eyes drifted to the hand that was outstretched to me.

I have gloves. I can change them so I guess. I hesitated to grab her hand but held it firmly. Her hand was slightly smaller than mine but I would say they are gentle at the grip.

"Máni Fawn or wolf." I mumbled in english. I quickly retracted my hand after she let it go.

"That's a start." She smiled sweetly. "Also we have food in the little dining room if you want to come out." She pointed down the hall over her shoulder.

Go out? Dining room? Food?

I froze as I realized that people or the other legends will be there.

"Your dog can come." Lifeline broke my thoughts. Rauður looked up and jumped from the bed after he laid down when he seen it was lifeline. He quickly ran out the door to go find the food.

"I think I might because of my dog." I sighed.

Hopefully he doesn't touch me again. I am having to much human touching.


Chapter 2 yay.

Like always.

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"Everything I wish I told you, all comes out." ~ holding the man by Nick ward.

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