2 Chapter 20- Mom?

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As Red and Apollo both ran straight at me ready to accept anything that may happen, Mimic was walking out of the darkness holding on the masks of the predators who went and searched for. The masks were covered in blood as he threw them to the floor as the legends froze when they saw Mimic right in front of them.

 The masks were covered in blood as he threw them to the floor as the legends froze when they saw Mimic right in front of them

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Mimic was softly humming as he was dragging Bun right behind him by her hair. Bun was screaming in pain from her leg getting cut off by Mimic.

"let me go! Please!!" Bun yelled as she was trying to get free but Mimic was just dragging her as he was humming the familiar little lullaby quietly.

Mimic was just watching me, red and Apollo fight.  As he was just smirking and humming watching the fight for power.


Red was hitting the back of my legs causing me to fall forward and Red quickly pinned me to the floor.

"Apollo, get the dagger...and right here, push the tip right here!!" Red yelled as Apollo slid across the floor grabbing the dagger from my pinned down hand and dug the knife in to the small cut on the back of my head. Apollo was getting the knife in the back of my head, getting the little chip thing out but before he did, he was collided with bun as Mimic finally ended her life and threw her directly at the male predators on top of me.

As Red fell and rolled on to the floor, he looked down at the person and realized was the dead Bun. Red quickly panicked and tried to get her off , he felt pressure on his stomach and actually looked up.

He was staring down the barrel and stared at my anger eyes behind the edge of my wingman.

"Mani..." Red whispered softly as his eyes were trying not to water up.

"I am sorry, I tried to prevent anything from happening to you. I am sorry. Forgive me for failing the job, me and Cherry both failed." Red was speaking quietly as his tears began to fall.

As my finger pressed down on to the trigger, my free will returned but it was to late, So the bullet came in contact with his forehead.

My eyes quickly turned around as I heard an scream from Apollo. I quickly turned around and saw blood flying up and the two familiar wings fly away from the pinned down Apollo on the floor.



20 years later

Waking up in an cold sweat as I sat up from the bed, as I heard my breathing quickly.

"Mommy!!" The little girl ran through the bedroom and headed towards me.

My eyes looked at her and smiled.

"Hey, my starlight...what wrong?"

"Daddy comes home today?! Can we go meet daddy at the station!!"

"Yes, of course, also quiet down. It's still early in the morning." I smiled as I hugged her slightly, and set her down on the floor

"Go get dressed and ready, okay?" I smiled as I got out of the lonely bed, and got up to get ready my self.

I was softly humming to myself as I was getting ready myself. I grabbed the white up and my pants and put on my white shoes as I grabbed the axe and put it in my belt. I grabbed the wingman and tucked it in to my waist line and tucked the white shirt over it.

"Mommy! I am ready!!" She smiled as she ran back in and held her small backpack.

"Okay, let's go get an few things and then head to the station." I smiled as I grabbed the backpack. She was nine years old and just a little sunshine.

"Okay!" She smiled as she ran to the kitchen. I followed her to the kitchen as she was jumping and excited.

"Now, Astra can you go check up on the wolves? While I'll get our lunch ready?" I smiled as I set her backpack on her the counter and watched as Astra hurried out to the back yard as I heard the wolves barking at her and being happy about seeing Astra.

10 minutes later

"Astra! Let's go!" I yelled slightly as I stepped out the back of the door. I looked over the back forest yard and panicked when all that surfaced was two wolves.

Panic began to take over, so I quickly jumped from the porch and looked around quickly to see if she was hiding. Nothing.

"Astra!!" I yelled again as I heard nothing so I quickly ran out in to the woods. I was hearing all of the other wolves and finally found her standing in the pond on an wolf's back to not get wet. My panic quickly subsided and sighed as I held on to an tree as my red eyes quickly disappeared.

She's okay. Thank you, all father.

"Astra, let's get going?  We gotta meet daddy." I smiled as I stepped in to the water and picked Astra up off from the wolf.

"Ok! Bye bye, Sam!!" Astra smiled as she waved as I carried her away.


"Mommy!! When is daddy coming?!" She was sitting next to me as she was impatient waiting for daddy.

"Relax, soon, my starlight." I smiled as I gave her some of her grapes.


I was just watching people looking at me and Astra because they recognize me from my apex legends and Apex Predator history. I was just holding the necklace that had an familiar wing feather on it and just rubbing it to comfort myself.

"Mommy! He's here!!" Astra quickly stood up and ran off in to the crowd of people. My reaction was horrible, as I barely missed her hand, reminding me of Cherry before she died.

"Astra!!" I quickly grabbed everything and placed the necklace on my neck as I quickly ran after her and trying to push through the people and crowd and trying to keep and eye on her.

"Astra!" I yelled as I lost her in the people so I froze and panicked. I was just nervous about losing her so my hand was drifting to the axe and to the wingman as an response.

"Mani, I am sorry. She came to me. Don't panic, my love." Someone quickly collided with me as Astra's wrapped around me too.

"You are back...Thank you, I needed you..." I whispered as I hugged them tightly.

"Don't worry, I am here forever now. Don't worry, my love."

"Mommy don't cry."

"I am not."

"I love you, my girls."

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