Chapter 22- Protect

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*Few days later*

Me and bloodhound had gotten closer and just lovely when we were alone. Mirage was giving us weird and unpleasant looks when I would look at them.

Bloodhound would stay by side as they accompanied me and Daehyun on our outings.

Today we were just helping out with gardening and fishing today. I was sitting down as some kids were picking carrots in the little green house building cause of coldness of our biome.

I was sitting in the dirt as bloodhound was standing with their arms crossed watching me with their mask returned to its natural spot upon their head.

All the legends got their small stuff back. Lifeline was helping and learning from the medicine doctor. Pathfinder was with crypto surprisingly who which was in a technology area. Wattson was either them as well. Mirage was learning with the kids on basic stuff but also alternating between fighting with my warriors.

Bloodhound had their axe on the side of their leg as they got their normal well looking outfit on cause of warmth

I was sitting with the little boy as he was to small to pick any stuff. He was maybe the same age as Iris when she died. I was just admiring the boy as he was just playing the dirt. Bloodhound had looked around and saw the wolves patrolling with a few warriors in similar colored outfit as theirs. Easily for to blend in the snow

I was just humming softly as the boys parents walked up after calling him. I dusted the small sticks off of his pants and got the dirt off his hands. I watched as he ran to his parents.

Bloodhound was watching me.

"She always wanted kids but when Iris was killed, she just stopped and just lost everything. I can tell something happened to you two. I see the glow in her eyes and she is relaxed." Daehyun spoke to bloodhound.

"Why doubt her or me so?" They spoke.

"Because I am weary of your love for her."

"There is nothing to worry about." Bloodhound try to comfort her.

"There IS something to worry about." Daehyun spoke as she went to walk away as kids called her over.



I watched as Daehyun walked away. I turned back to Máni as I was just watching getting back to picking some stuff. She was humming softly as I was now standing not in the dirt.

I was listening to her humming of a old tune that would go around the islandic villages. My mother would sing to me before she died.

It was a simple call we made to each other in the winter storms at home. I listened to her humming. I was just watching her.

I didnt hear was she said at first as I was admiring her eyes which were slightly red due to her heightened scenes as she wasnt feeling safe but only because of the many e

"Pardon?" I spoke.

"Your axe. Can I use it?" She spoke again.

"Very well." I grabbed on the axe my uncle given to me when I was younger and when I lost him. I normally don't let anyone touch it due to the importance to me, but since she loves me and I love her. Máni is the only one I will allow to touch it.

I grabbed on to the handle and then flipped it to be the handle facing her and me holding the blade. She stood up and walked towards me to grab on to the handle. I smirked from underneath my helmet as I saw her grab the handle.

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