Part 2 Chapter 11- Good Job

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Apollo set me down on the couch place area as Red and H began to search for the first aid or medical supplies.

"Found it!" Cherry yelled as she found it and hurried to Red as he turned to her.

"Thanks, go to where Bun and the others are at. If you can help out Apollo find an way to help the others as well. Me and H will be helping out Moon." Red spoke as he grabbed the kit and rubbed Cherry's head to comfort her.

"How can we deal with this?" H spoke as Cherry walking away.

"We do what we can." Red spoke as he pulled out the scissors.

"Very well."


"Iris, run diagnostics." Red spoke deeply as H was cleaning his hands from the blood.

"Running diagnostics...vitals are medical advice required...shut down system deactivated... good work, Red and H..." iris spoke before she shut off and H sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness." H sighed in relief finally.

"Bucky, get Cherry to rest before she passes out on Apollo." Red spoke to the smaller person beside him as red was brushing the wounded girls hair due to the knots of blood in it.

"How long until we arrive?"

"In an day... it says.."

"Thank you."

"Moon, Just hang in there. We will make it your home."

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