Chapter 5- Target

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Me and bloodhound stood in the elevator quietly in silence. The occasional caw of the raven in the atmosphere.

"I am sorry for my Félagi. He has a habit of getting ahead before actual introductions." The hunter spoke finally.

"Who? Your crow or?" I was confused on who he was talking about.

"Crypto." They spoke as they looked at me.

"Asninn. (Ah, the asshole)" I spoke in disbelief.

The hunter looked at me shocked at my sudden vulgar language. I panicked when I realized that I cursed in front of someone that I dont know.

"Mér þykir það leitt, blóðhundur. Ég ætti að passa tunguna þótt hún sé fyrir framan... (I am sorry, blood hound. I should watch my tongue even if it is in front o-) " I froze when I realised I havent asked about blood hound.

"Its all good. The allfather will forgive you and so I will." They nodded as the raven crowed again.

I looked at the bird and inched closer.

"May i?" I gestured to reach my hand out to the crow.

Bloodhound nodded and moved the crow to their other arm so the crow would be closer and I wouldnt have reach across their body.

I was about to touch the crow before the elevator dinged causing me and the hunter to jump slightly and look out at the training room like arena.

I looked bloodhound and sighed.

"I'll pet him later." I smiled slightly under my mask.

Bloodhound just nodded and Artur crowed at me and bloodhound before flying off their arm to get their wings spread.

I began to walk away from them and just began to think to myself as I was just trying too focus but not at the same time.

Personal training starts now.

I looked at the handguns or pistols and seen a wingman, p2020, Mozambique, and RE-45. I grabbed the wingman and leaned to grab the ammo on the floor and loaded it. I looked at target lined up for shooting.

I began to shoot occasionally missing the target but most of the shots were in the heart or head or in torso. What I didnt know was that some other legends came down and began to watch my aim.

The legends were off doing their own thing but they noticed my shots. I quickly reloaded and began to shoot again.


"Do you guys ever wonder what her ultimate is? I-I mean I-I do." Mirage said as him, lifeline and octane were watching Máni working on her aim.

"It can be something with a wolf cause her name." Octane was jumping around.

Mirage grabbed a arc star and held it and threw it at a target cause it damage.

Crypto was secretly in his drone and was flying it to annoy mirage as mirage was playing with arc stars. Crypto saw his EMP charge was charged up and smirked to himself from behind his screen.

Mirage threw it at the target but suddenly the EMP shock ruined his points.

"Oh-Oh. Cry-Crypto. Y-you. No. No. Ugh" mirage complained as he gripped his hair in frustration. Octane and Lifeline began to laugh.

Octane was flipping his butterfly knife around his fingers as he was looking at the guns.

Mirage grabbed another arc star and turned around.

"Is Máni's reflects as good as bloodhounds or wraith?" Mirage turned around to Máni who held now a sniper and sniping the different target.

"Mirage, if yah gonna still target her then I know and will bet that she'll aim for you in the games. Dont cha think?" Lifeline tried to talk him out of provoking his target.

"She cant kill me. I know she won't." Mirage said confidently.

"Dont do it, amigo. Even I won't do that and I do everything." Octane said to him.

"Dont worry. I'll be fine. She won't hurt me." Mirage aimed toward my back as I was facing the weapons.


I was just looking at each gun and calculating how much damage us done by each cause i fired all the ones next to me.

Humming as I was looking at the weapon until I heard a soft hum and a blade flying through the air. I quickly turned and grabbed the arc star but it did cut my hand when I caught it.

I looked at the star and slowly looked up at the direction it flew from. I saw the scared mirage as my eyes turned redder as the brown was dissolving away.

A low growl erupted from my throat as I was maddened. I saw octane and lifeline quickly run to get to cover as I positioned my hand to hold the arc star.

"No. No. No." Mirage quickly turned around and began to run.

I threw it quickly as he sent out a decoy to mess with me but I knew which one was him. So i threw it and it straight in his back causing him to fall forward. I laughed slightly as I seen him stumbled. Of course the arc star wasn't the one like in the arena but it still sticks to you aka your clothes but the arc star somehow cut my hand through my clothes.

My eyes drifted to my cut as I heard mirage yelling.

"get it off. Get it off?!" He panicked as he rolled along the floor.

"Stay still, amigo."

I stared as the blood fell from my hand on to the floor.

"Félagi?" A familiar voice spoke from behind their mask causing my thoughts to be interfered with.

My eye drifted back up to the hunter as they softened and somehow turned fully brown.



I realized I am updating everyday. Okay. Get it me.

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