Part 2 Chapter 2- Legends

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Standing in the glass elevator as it was getting lowered to the 197th floor. My eyes were scanning the two people in white.

Their names on their badges were popping up as I had looked at their faces.

We waiting as the elevator dinged and two other people joined me with the masks as mine.

A dark matte looking entered the elevator as his eyes were just odd to look at.

The dark brown eyes close to black dull eyes drifted across my face as he was also scanning my facial features with the dark side of protection and slight fear took them over.

My eyes drifted him and I saw the words flash.

Agent Sun

So another Agent like me. Okay.

Taller figure with long black curly hair and a bigger muscular figure. He has a strong and weird force or aura around his body and spiritual strength. My eyes drifted along his face through the mirror as he stepped beside me. The soft yet curly, fluffy hair was covering his left eye as I could tell something was obviously not correct with it.


We were all standing there as 13 or so figures were watching us. The legends.

Us, The predators were just standing there with masks on our faces. all of the staff were checking everything as the legends were resting in the several chairs or multiple chair set in front of them.

Each legend was just sitting there waiting for the head of the company to actually say who or what they were looking at.

"Good morning, Legends." The headmaster said as he walked out in a black charcoal suit. All of the legends were quiet as they were looking over us. My eyes were scanning the legends.

"So these are the legends of Apex."

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