Chapter 10- Memories

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My sleep wasn't to good as I had a nightmare and I had sent off my letter in the process so I dont have to worry about the hawk.

It was around 5am as the games were at 2PM. I sighed as I sat in bed as I was nervous. I was just sitting there as I hugged my knees.

I began to sing a lullaby my mother sang to me when she was around.

I was just trying to not cry as I sang. I was just hugging my knees as I sang as my head was in my knees.

I felt a hand on my head as I sang. I looked up and seen the spiritual reputation of my mother as she was now singing the lullaby as she rested her hand on my head.

Her ghost like voice was echoing as she sang as she rubbed my head. I felt the sudden warmth of a motherly touch as she sang to me. I am still a lost child but i am trying my best to be independent but the lack of my parents and silbings arent sitting okay with me. I was just sitting there crying softly as i hugged myt knees.

"You aren't real." I sobbed as i cried.

"You are dead." I sobbed louder.

"You arent here." I whispered quietly as the memories took over.


Thirteen Years ago (Age refresher: 21 in future but now she's 8)

It was in the middle of the night as Wolf's tribe was having a huge celebration because one of our warriors got married.

My parents, the chiefs were watching the deer dancers and the other dancers. Me and brothers and sisters were just happily playing with the fire.

"Hey, stop it you five. You'll pee your bed if you continue that." Mother scolded.

We instantly stopped cause the look father gave us. We quickly ran to go play with the puppies that were just born.

We laughed and giggled as we mocked the deer dancers. I was just playing with a Babad or frog. I was poking it with a stick as I was told I would get warts if I played with it.

We heard our parents calling for dinner in the great hall after the dancers were finishing up their dance around the fire. There was fresh snow on the ground and we were in fur and animal skinned clothing.

This kept me and my people warm in the winter also with our assortment of furs as blankets, clothes, coat and also hoods.

We began to eat. The food was great and the great hall was filled with laughs, native crys and calls, and just warmth.

Then after that me and my siblings got to bed. I was outside throwing snowing at the wolves.

"Hey! Máni! Dont do that. You'll get them mad." My father yelled.

"So, they won't do anything. They are stupid mutts." I yelled back as I threw another snowball.

"Dont anger the allfather, girl." My father said as he stepped down from the porch.

I went to go throw another one but my hand got grabbed and the snowball fell from my bed.

"Go to sleep before they DO something." My father spoke harshly and he pushed me inside. He then turned around and spoke in the native tongue to the wolves.

My mother ushered me to the shared room with my other 4 siblings who were bickering.

"Get off my bed." Lupan spoke as he pushed Rain off his bed.

"No! Let me sleep with youuuu~" Rain complained as she fell on top of him.

"Mom, they are doing it again." Upani spoke as she pouted.

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