Part 2 Chapter 6- imagination

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*A few week later*

"Checking vitals.."

"Vitals stable"

"Memory status..."

"Status 0%..."

"First system start up..."

My eyes opened as I was back in the white and grey monotone bed room. I looked around as I sat up with the wolf mask back on my face and the machine of the little drone was awaken and flown to me.

"Good morning, Moon. The date is 4/35/2164. The weather is raining and cloudy. I advise you to bring your coat before heading back out to your legend." The machine spoke as I had stood up and walked to the dresser and pulled out the coat my outfit as usual.

The red and black Asian traditional out was covered with an invisible coat as my two swords were sitting on my lower back as they were small enough to sit in the belt as my larger sword or katana was in my hand as I walked out of the monotoned bedroom and headed to find the legend named bloodhound.

As I stood in the glass elevator and watched the rain as it fell, my whole eyesight glitched. I quickly reacted and pulled out my Katana and held it as I turned as my red eyes were staring at the male figure in front of me.

"So they call you moon now, Maní.." the figure spoke.

"Who are you? How did you get here?!" I yelled at the male standing front of me.

"Allow to introduce myself for both of our sakes. I am Rauður. I am Maní's well yours as well late husband. You aren't the Maní, I know. You are brained washed and a killing and protecting machine for your lover, Bloodhound. Hopefully that phrase brings back a few of your memories." The male spoke by the name of Rauður.

"QUIET!" I yelled until my whole just collapsed on itself and I fell to my knee as the memory came back. The kissing and just laying down together. The small laughter from both figures. The touching and just multiple sounds intruded my head.


"Quiet!" I quickly swiped and just cut through the male until I realized it was in my head as the figure wasn't standing there and I was aiming my katana a worker as they had opened the door to enter the elevator.

"Moon...The sun has risen. Time to shield your darkness." Was all that the worker said and suddenly I felt a whole body reset and just stood back up and stared at the workers.

"Of course, Mr. Hopkins, What's the command?" I spoke monotonously.

"Continue to go by the side of your legend, Bloodhound." Hopkins spoke as he stepped in to the elevator and clicked the group floor.

Memory status


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