Chapter 8- Relax

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I looked down at the flowers.

"Okay, thank you." I smiled as i closed the door. I felt my smile drop as i looked closely at the flowers. The hawk cawed and flew to the flowers to eat. I smiled at the bird who began to nibble on the flower.

I ended up pushing him away as I knew I shouldn't ruin the flower mirage gave me.

I looked down as the hawk just flew to the window as it was used to the coldness of our tribe as it was consistent winter there and only a few months of normal and nice weather but it was only like 3 months out of the year that it is there.

I looked over at the letter and decided to read it finally.

Quick AN: would you guys want a side chapter to show what the letter says and what Máni writes in response? It would be in english and also in islandic. I'd you guys want it.  K bye!

I was focused on the letter so I couldn't hear the legends calling me or anything. I mean I did hear them but I was following mirage's advice and not to go out there.

I was humming quietly and I decided to play some music. I was just quickly singing as well. (Songs will be at the top) this song always reminded me of home so it comforted me.

I was just writing a response to the letter from my tribe. There is always a tribal messager that sends the bird once she gets off the ship since our planet or area is a long ways away from the main planet. Then they fly to the planet and then head to the tribe for the letter.

I was finishing it as I was seeing the bird turned a little impatient so he was flapping his wings.

"I am almost finished so dont worry." I sighed as I turned around as the bird began to pick up my hair and biting my ear.

I sighed softly so I quickly stopped and stood up.

"Fine. Fine." I stood up and grabbed my boots and my jacket. I pulled my gloves on my hands to prevent people from seeing my hands which were scarred with burns and cuts. I was careful with my arc star cut which was still heal and was slightly bleeding. I sighed as I whistled for the hawk to land on my arm.

The bird happily played with my hair as I stepped out the room. I locked my door cause I dont want the other legends going in there. I was just hearing all of the talking and laughing in the living area.

I walked in and was welcome with the smell of multiple flowers causing me to sneeze and bring attention to myself. 

"Ah, Wolf! Come sit with us!" Wattson spoke happily as she was just happy about flowers.

"I-i...uhm...not in the mood." I mumbled as I started to head to the elevator.

"Felagi fighter, let me join you if you are taking a walk." Bloodhound spoke as they sat up.

"Uhm, okay." I nodded and tried not to think of the roof stuff.

Me and bloodhound got in the elevator with a few looks from the legends, one of them being mirage.

The door was closing until mirage ran up and blocked it 

"H-hey, uhm. Since you are going out can you get some stuff for me." Mirage spoke as he leaned against the elevator doors.

"Uhm, I wasn't planning on going to the store. Sorry, mirage." I sighed as I knew the bird was getting impatient.

"I-I just thought that you were gonna g- you know what never mind. I'll go later." He quickly caught his balance when he was falling.

"Okay." I mumbled and just went to go close the door. I saw out of the corner of my eyes the intense stares of Bloodhound and Mirage.

"Okay bye." I pushed mirage out of the way of the elevator door and brought bloodhound back in to the reality.

"Forgive me." Bloodhound spoke as they laid their hand across their heart as they lowered their head.

"Relax. I dont know what going on between you two but relax." I saw the hawk beginning to fly around bloodhound.

"Does this bird have a name?" Bloodhound said as the hawk landed on their arm.

"I dont really know. I dont think so because I havent named the bird." I looked and watched bloodhound pet the hawk.

Bloodhound just nodded.

We stood in silence.

"Blitz?" Bloodhound spoke.

"How did you come up with that?" I looked at them.

"The allfather gifted me with the ability of understanding bird so I asked your hawk and it spoke Blitz." Bloodhound spoke softly.

All I did was nod. I looked over at hound and saw their mask so I reach over out of curiosity. I laid my hand on it but it happened to fast. Bloodhound had acted out with pulling out their knife and pinning me to the elevator wall.

I saw the faint orange shining through the glass. I was tense as I realized they were holding a knife to my neck.

"Allow the allfather to forgive me." I spoke as I felt scared suddenly.

Bloodhound noticed my fear so they quickly softened and fell to their knees.

"Forgive, allfather. I should have never let my mind get tainted by the anger of you just being curious." They hung their head low as they kneeled to me and laid their hand on their heart to show forgiveness.

I hesitated fora little bit as while. I turned and pulled the stop elevator button causing it to come to a halt causing bloodhound to look up.

I went down to my knees as well. I pulled my gloves off and grabbed their masked face softly. I felt bloodhound's gloved hands quickly grab mine to prevent me from pulling their mask off.

I wasn't planning too. I was RESEPCTING THEIR CHOICES?! (Sorry. Hehe. A little maddened because people always tell people to revel their face so I just RESPECT THEIR CHOICES?!?!I dont know anymore whatI say anymore. Ppfff) I just softly pulled them close and laid my forehead against their.

"Relax, hound. I forgive you." I whispered as I just felt them relax as my forehead rested on theirs.


Oof. Máni and hound have been having alot of alone time together.

Anyways. Enjoy this.

Vote, comment and add to library or whatever. Lol.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

Author out


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