Part 2 Chapter 8- Assassination?

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Wait did I say I can't wait to see the others?

Am I turning humane?


No! Never!

As I was walking behind bloodhound, I was getting stares from all of common people and such. Whispers as well, bloodhound seemed to pay no mind to the attention given by their predator behind them.

I was just walking stiffly and just keeping up with the fast yet slow at the same time, bloodhound.

As the legends were grouping up and just relaxing together, Us, Predators were just silently having an conversation. With us being from the network system we were all able to communicate through out our heads given how Mechanic we were.

The conversation consisted of system and legend updates and such. Sun seemed drain and just mentally exhausted from his legend, Octane.

'This legend is the most reckless and dangerous man alive. Although he's the joy maker, he's draining to keep after.'

'Bloodhound is calmer then they were said to be in their report at the office and our data system.'

'They all are different from our systems.'

We all nodded as an group as the legends were staring when they saw us nodded.

"Do forgive us, we were just negotiating some classified information." Sun spoke with the proper and robotic sound every. All of the legends looked confused as they realized we weren't talking and just nodded and went on about with their conversations.




Watch for the wave! Maní!!

Huh! I thought you were an bug what are you doing!!

As the predators were back to the mental conversations, an electric wave of a shock went in to the air causing all of the predators to freeze and just hold each of our head in respond.

As each were trying to pry off the masks due to us finally figuring out the reason behind the shock, Moon had got hers off easily off and stood up and walked to the window as the legends had panicked and stood up due all of our reactions.

I had threw my mask away as I kept my face hidden from the legends as I was scanning  and searching for the reason.



Found it!

I had quickly hurried to Sun and got my knife back from void like space where it's stored and popped the knife right in the seem of the mask and pushed up. An scream had erupted from his lungs as it did hurt his face.

He yelled suddenly breaking the composer and I had grabbed his hand moved his coat until I saw the pistol sitting in his coat so I grabbed it and turned around quickly and shot at the drone like machine hanging out the window and shoot.

The legends panicked and headed for cover as the gun shot rang out. The place we were all was on the top floor of an 200 story building, so as the window cracked wind had rushing causing once again another electric shock to surface and I collapsed on to the floor and just dropped everything and just panicked as my eyesight of the computerized contacts to glitch and shock my whole system as Sun was trying to get off all of the mask off from the predators.

The legends were just in shock and just stuck at staring us as we all tried to pry off the masks or help each other the other computer shock.

"Tae-Joon, what's happening?" Wattson quickly spoke as she felt the electric shock throughout her body.

"I-i don't seems like someone is making them overload with an power source." Taejoon was beginning to panic and tried to figure it out with his holographic computer.

Suddenly as yet third computer shock went through out the air it called all of the systems in the restaurant like area to burst into the electric and the legends were met with the electric impact so they stepped back suddenly all of our actions stopped.

All of the predators turned to the legends except for moon. As the predators had an different look in their eyes as if something bad took over them, all turned in to their resided outfits and pulled out off their weapon and headed straight for the legends.

"Ta-Taejoon, hit them with an emp." Wraith spoke suddenly as they all backed up.

"What?" He looked at her.

"Just do it! Shock their system once more!" Wraith yelled again as they were getting closer.

Taejoon quickly got his drone from his back flew it up and tried to charge it for the emp.

"What's taking so long!!" Loba yelled as they got up against the wall.

"I don't know!! It's taking a while to charge!" Tae-Joon yelled as he saw it was at barely at 78 percent.

Bloodhound was scanning silently an way to get the drone charged quicker. They searched and searched until finally they noticed the electric wires resting right on to of my hunched over glitching body. They pulled out the familiar axe and aimed and quickly threw until finally an electric shower went over me and on to the door.

"Okay! It's done! Watch your ears!" Tae-Joon yelled as he pressed the activation button. Tae had looked at Bloodhound as an sign of gratitude until something happened. An gunshot right by both of their heads as finally Moon had stood up fully as if an hostile computer code took control of her.

Until the EMP busted and shocked all of the predators back to normal, another gun shot as it happened. The bullet was heading straight for Tae-Joon's head yet the aim seem to move last minute before the EMP as if the gun man had regained some control.

It collided with The shoulder and Tae-Joon yelled out in pain as he had moved towards bloodhound and held his bleeding shoulder, as bloodhound looked frightened where the bullet came from. They noticed the familiar yet unfamiliar reddened eyes from underneath the fallen mask of hair.

They looked closer and noticed an tear and just an single red glowing eyes behind the hair and they froze as they held Taejoon.


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