Chapter 23- Touch

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All day and the next few days was the avoidance and isolation away from the legends and Daehyun.

Mirage actually stuck by my side and crypto assumed something happened so he was sticking with mirage as much as he hated him by my side

Wattson had randomly made me a nessie and gave it to me.

How did she make you so quick and so suddenly?

I was looking at the green and white 10 inches tall nessie plushy on my fur bed. Mirage and Crypto were bickering in my room trying to decide what or who will stay with me for the day.

I was just softly touching the soft yet delicate nessie. I didnt care for the arguing.

"Can you two argue somewhere else?" I mumbled as I was to tired to deal with this in here.

"See, look at you did with all of your talking." Crypto spoke quietly at mirage.

"H...hey..just because you dont talk alot doesn't mean...that I am are too....old man."

"What did I just say?!?" I grew aggravated as I just reached for the nessie to throw at either one of the two boys. They quickly took what I said and scurried out off the room as I couldn't stand anything anymore.

Each legends who didnt talk to me slowly returned to the home planet of their home or went back the apex dorm headquarters yesterday.

This left once again mirage, crypto bloodhound and Daehyun residing in the same house as me. I was just staring at the soft nessie so I began to treat it as a pet and stuff like that.

Bloodhound was just making dinner as Daehyun was figuring out why I was so hostile to her. Mirage soon told Daehyun that I just yelled at him.

Daehyun sighed and took it upon herself to finally to talk to me as she was angry about what I spoke to her.

Daehyun noticed me walking around upstairs as my steps and soft singing echoed. Daehyun recognized the song that was the lullaby I sang to Iris alot.

Daehyun sighed and knocked on to the door.


No response only the humming is heard.

"Cheif?" Daehyun spoke again. No response so she just opened the door and saw me just pacing back forward.

"Cheif, are you okay?" She spoke as she got in to the room closing the door behind her.

"Why wouldn't I be, Daehyun?" I spoke to her as I came down to earth finally.

"Because you yelled at mirage and your brother, well half brother." Daehyun spoke.

"D..Did I? I dont remember that." I looked away out the window as Crypto and Mirage were walking in the snow together.

"Yes, you did. Also I wanted to apologize for getting mad at you a few days back." Daehyun spoke as she sat on to the bed next to the nessie plush from Wattson.

"This is cute. Who made it?" Daehyun spoke before I replied to her.

"Wattson or Known to you as Natalie. Dont worry for our Argument, I was heated and confused due to Rauður's appearance and something took over me." I said as I tugged off the wold pendent necklace to lay on the dresser.

"Are you feeling alright?" Daehyun stood up worried and hurried to my side as she began to feel around my face and side where the old wound was.

"Yes, yes. I am feeling fine but I do miss the trading market food." I smiled sweetly at Daehyun.

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