Chapter 4- Morning

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Me and Rauður were just watching as the legends were happily eating.

Crypto came and sat down in the area where me and Rauður were. Bloodhound soon followed in crypto's footsteps but sat a little ways away from him.

So they are the antisocial ones?

I was quietly petting Rauður as he just rested his head on my lap again. I seen crypto on his phone minding his own business as bloodhound was quietly eating.

"You are Máni Fawn, or wolf. You are from the Outlands in a small village. You lost your family around 9 years old due to a fire which you lost half of your tribal members causing you to take the position of chief of the tribe." Crypto spoke finally.

Come on. Day one of being a legend and already I got founded out by this guy. Ugh. I was just trying to relax and just wait to eat but nooo.

I froze when I realized he knew everything.

"How did you find that out?" I stared at crypto as Rauður looked at him and a growl rumbled from his throat.

"I am a hacker. I can find anything about anyone. My subject was you." Crypto stared at me.

I felt Rauður turn angered but I just stood up. I glared at crypto as my eyes turned redder then before as the brown was dissolving away.

"You dont know anything about me." I growled as I knew the room was quiet now and everyone was staring.

"Förum í rúmið, Rauður. (Let's go to bed, red)" I spoke to my wolf. Bloodhound looked up and wanted to talk to me. Yet me and Rauður headed to our room.

"Wow, the old man strikes again." Mirage said annoyed.

"Shut it, Witt. At least she didnt break my arm." Crypto spoke annoyed.

"You should have never said anything about her past, crypto" Wattson or natalie spoke softly.

Crypto death gaze quickly softened as he heard what Wattson said.

"Mianhae, Natalie."


Máni and Rauður was just heading to her room in heart wrenching silence. Rauður looked up at her as he walked with her and did the worst thing he can do. He shifted in to human as they walked in to the room.

"Er allt í lagi, stjķri? (Are you okay, chief?)" Rauður now Luca spoke to me softly.

All I did was just nod as I unlocked the machine door. Luca stepped inside as I closed it and locked it.

"Máni. Talaðu við mig. (Máni. Speak to me.)" Luca spoke softly as he just watched me lay on the bed.

All I did was just lay there staring out the window.

"Hvíldu þig. Ūú færđ ūjálfun á morgun og ég tala viđ ráđiđ á morgun svo ūú verđir án mín í nokkrar vikur. (Get rest. You have training tomorrow and I am going to talk to the council tomorrow so you'll be without me for a few weeks.)" Luca spoke softly as he looked at my still figure in the bed.

I was trying not to cry or anything from the memories that showed up from what crypto said.

My breathing and brain began to slow as I felt the tiredness show up as the first went quick.


I woke up to feel a collar in my hand as I laid on my side. No soft black fur nor the soft breathing of Luca. That lucky bastard is able to not be here with these legends like crypto and mirage.

The Crow and the Wolf (Apex Bloodhound)Where stories live. Discover now