Part 2 Chapter 1- Online

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"Checking Vitals."


"Vitals complete."


"Check body functions."


"Body functions are operable"


"Memory wiping in progress."


"Memory wiping 20%"


"Memory wiping in progress. 30%"

I love you, bloodhound.

"Memory wiping in progress. 40%"

Mommy?! Daddy is coming home!?

"Memory wiping in progress. 50%"

Stay with me in Valhalla

"Memory wiping 80%"

Máni, Don't leave please.

"Memory wiping 90%"

Don't go. Please. Stay here. I should have protected you. I am sorry. Forgive me all father.

"Memory wiping. Completed."

Welcome, Codename: Moon


Getting feeling back in my whole body as being felt as refreshed.

Awakening to the morning was welcomed with grey and white modernized room.

The bright white lights ruining any sense of ability to know the location. Confusion is overwhelming for the figure laying on the stiff yet comfortable bed.

Glancing around at the room when a small drone actived from a cabinet within the wall began to awaken and fly around.

My feet laided softly on the white, cold tile flooring. The drone began to search for me but noticed my figure as I stood up.

I looked around the room and seen three things on the desk in the corner of the room.

"Good Morning, Agent Moon." The drone spoke.

"I am your personal drone who here to check your Vitals everyday, check your muscle growth and check if you memory levels will stay at 0%. You may name me as you won't be able to change it. So you must pick a name that you like." The computerized voice spoke from the drone's speaker.

My eyes followed the drone as it flew towards me. I saw my reflection the glass of the drone where the camera resides. I noticed the long scar from my jaw all the way across my right eye so my hand went on to the formed scar and traced the unsettled skin.

Opening my eye resulted in seeing the old familiar red pupil being covered in the white film as the eye sight it self was taken as a payment by the allfather yet again.

"Weird. Someone named allfather came up. Do you know this person?" I spoke to the drone, confused.

"Searching results for allfather."

The Crow and the Wolf (Apex Bloodhound)Where stories live. Discover now