Chapter 15- "Allfather, Forgive me"

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Crypto pulled the chair close to begin to cut my hair. I sighed as he reset the towel then a bag for my cut hair when he does begin to cut.

"Don't ruin my hair or I'll put stickers all over your drone or I'll change your computer password." I grumbled as I adjusted my position on the chair.

Crypto made an small amused laugh as he began to cut.


My hair was back to its original state aka a Pixie.

The legends were all making or setting up our lunch. The new legends who had joined us were Rampart, Horizon and another named Fuse.

I never like the vibe of new people but horizon was like motherly and rampart was just not my type of person so I didnt talk to her. Fuse on the other hand ruined the legends favorite map and brought someone named 'Maggie' around so he is kind of despised by everyone. Crypto dislikes him the most for destroying Hack the first day he came but I got him over that well tried to. He still dislikes him and want to kill him every chance he gets when we enter the arena. (His voice actor and dude's va has the joke of it as well. Lol)

I was humming quietly to myself as I was on my phone. I was just trying to mind my own business when Mirage comes.

Mine and mirage's friendship improved. He became a brother to me and he's been helping me with something's. Mirage may have lost his brother and his family kind of but he has built a new one. Our friendship was just happy and brotherly and sisterly, well that's what I thought about our relationship. (Oo. I dont know if you see where I am going with this but here's the drama I promised.)

"How you doing?" Mirage smiled as he just began to admire himself or something like that.

I turned to mirage as he was admiring himself in my phone screen.

"Enjoying your self?" I said as I put my phone down in my lap.

"Hey, with a face like this. Why resist." He smirked then winked.

"Hm. Keep dreaming." I rolled my eyes and just went back on to my phone. He turned pouty and just sprawled himself on me to give him attention which is unusual behavior for him.

"Mánii~" he stared at me.

"Elliot. You never act like this. What are you doing?" I glared down at him.

"Wolfie~, can do you something for me?" He spoke as he was just trying to act all kid like.

"No. I can't." I looked up and saw Octane and Rampart snickering.

So something is happening that cant clearly see but okay.

"Mirage if you can, refrain from throwing your self on Máni." Bloodhound appeared out of nowhere.

They scared both of us. I looked and seen bloodhound behind the couch, so I smiled.

"I-i...i wasnt doing anything. Psh. I-I don't kn-know what you are speaking of." Elliot spoke as he straightened his back and cleared his throat.

"Whatever beef you two have. You can sort it out. I am gonna. Get food." I sighed as I stood up to go get the cooked food that Gibraltar made of Lunch.

For some odd reason, Caustic and Revenant hasn't been so social around us. We've began to believe they moved out the dorms so we didnt actually care but didnt mind it. 

"Do you have a fork?" I spoke as I grabbed the plate of Spaghetti and salad to ask gibby, lifeline or someone.

"I got you. Catch." Bangalore spoke as she threw it to me 

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