Part 2 Chapter 4- Three Years

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Three Years...


"Ajay!!" Someone yelled as he busted through the door of the dorm.

"Yes...Oh?!" Ajay spoke as she popped her head out of the living room and noticed the dying women in the older male's arms.

"Help Her, please." The Korean male spoke as he panicked and looked at her with pain in her eyes.

"Crypto, i can't.." Ajay spoke as she looked at the badly injured friend on the dinning room table as the rest of the legends walked in to the dining room and noticed their beloved friend covered in blood.

"please...Just try.." He spoke as he looked at the dripping blood from his hands and his body.

"I can try.." Ajay spoke as she tried and got to work to help her be alive again.

"Park....Tae-Joon.." A voice spoke as Crypto turned around as the blood continue to drop down the shaken hands.


"Park Tae-Joon...I would advise you to head on back home along side with Cherry." One of the staff members spoke as he was staring at the now empty spot that Wolf had once stood.

"나의 나쁜, 나는 갈거야 (My bad, I will get going.)" Tae-Joon spoke as he began to head out as Cherry was following him quickly yet slowly.

*A few months later*

All of the legends were sitting together in their dorm as the apex predators were all standing in one spot and just over watching the legends along with being aware with their surroundings.

"How'd did you guy take a liking to them?" Kirai spoke as she sat back against her chair.

"I don't know. It still feels kind of weird that well the company somehow showed up with these people and made them our "guards and observers." Don't cha think?" Ajay spoke as she looked at Valkyrie.

"Odd, very.." Bloodhound spoke softly until all of the predators head quickly snapped to the door and the legends stood up cause they heard something as well.

"What was that?" Elliot, also known as mirage spoke with no stutter surprisingly.

"조용히, 그들은 뭔가를 듣는다 (Quiet, they hear something.)" Crypto spoke to mirage as I guess mirage has been taking lesson from crypto's help with Korean.

"Okay. Okay." Mirage is still talking.

The predators were just standing there as they kept an eye on the door in front of them and slowly was pulling out each of the individual weapons. The running or walking became closer as the predators were slowly back up towards the legends to surround them.

Suddenly a huge burst of fire or something like a bomb busted through the door and all of the predators quickly turned on around and tried to protect their corespondent legend until some of them were forced by the blast to get separated from their legend.

Moon, Sun and Cherry were all thrown as they were the ones closest to the blast and the other predators had pushed or moved the legends to a more protected area of the dorms.

As I had flew and landed on to the floor with a clash, my head collided with the floor and I heard a crack as my whole eyesight turned red and began to alarm.

"Warning! Warning the binding of the mask has broke and an piece of the mask was broken off. Please refrain from pulling any further on the mask or messing with the mask." The machine spoke to me as I noticed that Sun and cherry were slowly sitting up as blood was coming multiple part of their head or face.

We all looked as predators and noticed the unfamiliar looking people. Some of the other predators quickly hurried as they were fully equipped and ready to fight the intruders.

Back to my own help, I was struggled to stand as I felt more in pain and just the blood dripping from my head. I tried to stand up but fell back down.

"Don't...stay here, is okay..." an unfamiliar voice spoke as I looked to my side and seen an unfamiliar male figure sitting next to me with white or black hair, his eyes were red as he stared at me. He wore a leather jacket or something black. His hands were covered with familiar leather gloves. My eyes fell on a familiar red wolf necklace and my system began to panic and blare red as the words flashes.

Memory recovery 5%

Please refrain from going farther.

Please seek our scientists to reset the memory protocol!

I repeat.

Please seek our scientists to reset the memory protocol.

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