2 Chapter 21- Love is unbreakable

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"Now you are nothing without your wings, Sun." Mimic snarled as he raised Bun's bloody dagger to push in to Apollo's back.

I was frozen as I just watching as Apollo was in pain and struggling to get free from Mimic's grasp. All I felt was wind go right by my head, and something running. My eyes drifted to the familiar axe flying as someone grabbed on to my hand.

"Come on, Maní, let's save him." Bloodhound spoke as I noticed the dimmed red eyes from behind the helmet as they grabbed my hand to pull me out of my fear.

"Hound..." I whispered as I was pulled with Bloodhound. My eyes quickly focused on the pained Apollo as he looked up at me. The axe quickly came in contact with Mimic and the dagger.

The axe quickly bounced off of the dagger causing mimic to stumble back away from Apollo and me and bloodhound were close enough to quickly attack. My dagger quickly came in contact but Mimic deflected it and pushed back as I stumbled myself and Mimic's leg came in contact with my body and he kicked me and I fell like two feet away and collided with the floor.

I quickly got up and shook my hand to get my normal length katana as blood hound quickly spun and got Mimic forced on to his knees. I ran straight at him and quickly swiped my katana across his neck as bloodhound quickly backed off and watched my eyes were focused on that one spot until their eyes drifted up and noticed another mimic throwing another katana straight at my back as my posture stood up.

"Maní" Bloodhound quickly panicked because grabbed my body and spun us around as They held me close as the blade collided with their back. I felt the pain in their body and how they got stiff as I couldn't process what was happening. I suddenly felt their body get weak as I quickly got ahold of them and fell to the floor as the blade was connecting us slightly as it barely enter my body but was all the way in their body.

"BloodHound...Hound..." I began to mumbled as my hands began to shake in horror as they laid on top of me. My hand was touching along the blade trying to figure what happened until I felt that the blade went their back and in to my stomach as they lifted me slightly to prevent it from getting to my heart. I was tearing up as I was reaching up their body and pushed off the helmet, to look at them.

"Hound..." I was panicking as I grabbed their face slightly and saw the light was fading in their eyes.

"No, No... please, all father...please...don't...hound.." I began to sob as the blood fell from their mouth and suddenly felt pressure in my stomach as I quickly looked up and saw Mimic smirking as he pushed the blade in to me, disregarding the fact that bloodhound was the one who took it for me.

I began to yell out in pain due the pushing deeper of the blade, as Apollo was slowly getting up although the pain on his back was unbearable, he grabbed my katana as he noticed that he was forgotten about and took the chance. Apollo did the same thing as I did to the mimic'a fake version and slice off the head and just fell again the blade as it planted in to the ground and the actual mimic was beheaded.

I was frozen as I was feeling bloodhound getting weaker and colder, the familiar feeling of The pain. My eyes got watery after seeing all of the blood and bodies besides me.

"I am sorry, please...don't....please...I love you.." I whispered as I cried as my hands were shaking as it grabbed ahold of the blade in their back. My hands were just holding on the blade as something was taking over my head, so I ended up pushed the blade deeper until to my self. I began to yell out in pain, but Apollo quickly cut the blade with the super strong and sharp as it released it in my grip as I was trying to kill myself to be with bloodhound.

"You've done your job, Moon. I am sorry, my love..." Apollo whispered as he leaned down to me as I didn't want to leave bloodhound. 

"I-...bloodhound, no. Please."

"Maní, The gods is giving you pain and He will be able to take care of it, Apollo will take care of you now. May the allfather bless you with no more nightmares and no longer be tied to an contract you may a long time ago. So if you marry Apollo, you'll have happy and calming life I promised you so many years ago." Bloodhound whispered to me before placing an soft kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight, 내 사랑 (nae sarang) = my love."


11 years later

I was laying in the bedroom as the sheets and blankets were bloody due to my birthing of Astra. The at home nurses were getting everything packed up and ready to leave as Apollo was sitting on the bed, slightly disgusted at the dirty child.

"Polo, try to be happy, yes you have history with no happy memories with children, but she is yours and you teach her many things to respect people." I smiled tiredly at Apollo as he was tense when I gave him the baby.

"Okay, my love. I promise I'll teach her about Bloodhound also."

My whole body got stiff when Apollo mentioned Bloodhound.

"Don't worry, I know you love them and you still do. Don't worry, okay? I understand and I am grateful for them allowing this to happen. We should visit their grave when she gets older?" Apollo mumbled after kissing my head.

"Of course. Also thank you," I nodded as I teared up as briefly looked at axe resting on the dresser ahead of me.

I will always love you, my bloodhound.

My asta Min


My love for you is unbreakable.

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