Norton's Backstory

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A small, malnourished child sat in a corner of the playground as his classmates jumped around, smiling and screaming happily. Nobody approached him, and nobody wanted to. Everyone knew him as the student who was constantly paying his school fees late, and would always forget his homework because he had to 'help his parents out'.

Nobody knew what he was going through, and nobody bothered to ask.

The teachers would always call him out in class for not paying his school fees. People will always make fun of him for not doing his homework, calling him the mistake of the class. The only reason he could stay in his current class was because he constantly stayed up, studying to maintain his grades. He'd vowed to get into college with a scholarship one day and repay all their debts.

The bell rung and Norton got up, waiting for everyone to leave the playground before following behind them. He didn't like being in crowds. It always seemed like someone was whispering or laughing behind his back. He waited until everyone was almost gone before slipping back in. He slipped into the back and pulled out a book to read. Nobody cared about him anyway, they wouldn't even notice if he went absent for a day. They'd probably be glad if he never turned up.

Evening came as everyone left the school. Norton ran out of the school gates and back home, throwing his bag at the desk. His homework could wait. Like any other day, he helped out his parents at the car wash, trying his best.

This had been going on for two years since he started high school. And it would remain this way until the day he graduated.

"Ah, Nort. There you are! Papa wanted you to run some errands for him. Take this bag, don't open it. Just head down to the city and wait behind the first gas station down this road."

Norton took the bag and asked no more. He was curious of what was in it, but since his mother told him not to open it, he pushed that thought aside and began his trip down the road. It wasn't that long, but it was a hot day, and halfway down sweat was already trickling down Norton's back. He saw the gas station in sight and went round behind it. It was silent and was around the border of a small area of trees.

This is where Mama meant right..?

He looked around, but he couldn't see anybody. He wanted to go back home and ask if he was in the right place, but surely mama wouldn't forget right..?

"Oi kid. What are you doing here?"

Norton jumped, turning over to the men that stood before him. He had not seen them nor heard them coming. Shakily, he faced them, shrinking a little under their gaze. One of them reached over and snatched the bag in his hand. Pulling it open, the man looked inside and took out a wad of bills.

"This was their last warning, and they did not take it."

"Boss, there's a note."

The man claimed to be the boss took the note and read it.

We apologize for the incomplete payment, but there really isn't anything we can do. Our son's fees had to be paid or he would be kicked out of school. We promised it'll be paid back by the next month just please give us more time!

He scoffed and tore the note into shreds, all while looking into Norton's eyes. He made a flicking gesture with his wrist and the men swarmed on the child, grabbing him and dragging him away. Norton kicked and flailed, but he couldn't even loosen their grip due to how skinny he was. He was pushed into the back of a car and sandwiched between two of the men, scared and too weak to fight back.

He peeked in front a little, and realised they were going down the street to his house. Sweat dripped down his brow in the stifling heat and fear. They crashed through the rickety wooden gates and swerved right in front of their door. Norton was grabbed roughly by the collar and pulled out onto the ground. The boy's parents rushed out of their front door, his mother clutching her husband's arms.

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