Chap. 5

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The rain poured down on the damp grounds as a small figure remained on the soggy grounds. The young mercenary stood alone by a torn flag that had represented his side. Tear mixed with sweat made tracks down his dirt-streaked cheeks. Many bodies, many with multiple wounds on them, lay in the sticky mud, blood mixing in with the dirt. Even if a bullet suddenly came flying towards him right now, Naib wouldn't be sad or angry. His companions were dead, what was the point even if this war had been won? Falling onto his knees, he let out the most anguished cry that only the saddest man would ever make.

Opening his eyes, Naib was back in Aesop's office. His forehead was dotted with beads of sweat, and he seemed to be lying on top of someone. Turning his head ever so slightly, he recognised the navy blue suit immediately. Clambering off, he muttered an apology.

"You should probably head home first. You literally cried yourself to sleep, Naib."

Naib blinked a few times before staring around at his surroundings, realising it was slightly darker. Indeed as Jack had said, he had cried so much his energy simply ran out. The taller of the two was pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket and lightly dabbing at Naib's forehead. The mercenary flinched a bit, but said nothing.

He didn't want to admit that it felt nice to have a person that cared for him the same way his past companions did. When Jack was finished, Naib took the handkerchief from his hand and silently wiped at the executive's suit. Jack stared at the top of the smaller figure, an amused smile tugging on the corner of his lips.

"What are you doing, Mr Subedar?"

Naib tightened his grip on the fabric.

"Don't get the wrong fucking impression shithead. I'm just wiping my own tears and sweat from your stupid suit."

Jack huffed, trying not to chuckle. Naib threw the handkerchief back at him.

"There its done...Now I owe you nothing I guess..."

This made the executive laugh out loud.

"You never owed me anything in the first place," he said, cheekily tilting Naib's chin. The mercenary's eyes widened and a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, which didn't go unnoticed by Jack.

"If there's ever anything you need, call me."

With that he straightened his coat and left. Naib stood still for a few moments before rubbing his face hard with his hands. He tried to register what had just happened. Trying to ignore what had just happened, he stumbled to the door and went down the hallway. As he passed by reception, Joseph stared at him, earning a glare from the mercenary. He smiled nervously and hurriedly dipped his head back down into his paperwork.


As Naib sat in his car, face buried in his hands, Eli was looking through more paperwork. Aesop was walking around in the small workspace, helping organize the messy files and papers. As he was sorting folders into cabinets, a small notebook fell out. There was a small lock on it, with a keyhole.

"Mr Clark?"

"Ah- Yes sir?"

"Do you perhaps have a key to this?"

Eli swivelled around in his chair, matching movements with his owl as both their eyes widened. Eli reached behind his neck and unfastened the thin silver chain. A small key dangled from the end as he made his way beside Aesop. Carefully slipping the key inside, he gave it a firm twist and the lock loosened with a satisfying clack. A few cards slipped out along with some old photos. Aesop bent over to pick up one of the photos and realised that some crosses on it.

A closer look showed that it was a class photo with a few faces crossed out. He took a closer look and flipped the photo. He was taken aback when he realised there was a whole list of people behind. He flipped it to the front, managing to locate Eli's face among the people he stood with.

"I guess you saw then..."

He turned around, looking at the male. A small smirk formed on Aesop's lips as he glanced at the photo.

Sweet, gentle Eli Clark. Secretary and sub-ordinate of Aesop. Refused the position of executive a few times so others could have a chance. Eventually he accepted the position of executive, but only accepted the position for taking charge of investigations and researching.

"What happened to these people?"

Aesop handed Eli the photo, which he took reluctantly. Even if he didn't want to answer, Aesop had a slight idea of what had happened to those people, and perhaps where they may be now. He circled around behind Eli, who still hadn't moved an inch. Eli flinched slightly as a memory of what he had once told his superior when he was offered the position of executive.

"N-no thanks...I don't like the idea of having to hurt people."

"Even times when violence is called for?"

"Please sir, I don't want to have to hurt anyone."

That had all been a lie. He had wanted to walk away from the horrible choices he'd made back then, and never look back to that path. The blood on his hands would forever taint them, reminding him of every detail that day.

Yet, he had lied all about them to his own superior's face. He knew what the consequences were to lie in this deadly business, but he'd done it. Aesop seemed to know what Eli was thinking too as he gently prised the book from Eli's gloved fingers. He set it down on the desk and opened the desk drawer, taking out a small blade. He passed it to Eli, who seemingly drifted to the desk, where a short candle burning away.

The executive held the blade to the burning embers until the smell of hot metal started to fill the small room. Shakily, he passed the blade back to Aesop, careful not to accidentally burn his fingers, not that it mattered anyway. Aesop took the blade and grabbed hold of Eli's left wrist. He turned the male around so his back was against his chest. Eli jolted.

"I didn't mean to hurt them...They made fun of me...I couldn't take it anymore..."

"You know fully well about the consequences you face just as well as I do, yet you did it anyway..."

The cold surface of his desk met with his palm as Aesop pressed his left hand down. His heart was pounding in his chest as the words Naib once told him rang in his head.

"I remember once seeing like, a sub-ordinate of the Requiem twins. He lied to them in their face and within seconds they both had him pinned down and his finger got sliced clean off."

Eli closed his eyes as he braced himself for what was coming. He had lied to his superior, and this was what he deserved. Cold fingers slipped his glove off and held his finger in place. The room suddenly felt very warm as cold sweat dripped down the back of Eli's neck. A small weight rested on Eli's shoulder as Aesop leaned down, blade poised over one of Eli's fingers.

"Trust me, this won't hurt a single bit~"

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