Chap. 26

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Aesop could almost feel a bounce in every step as he walked down the hallway to his office room. He was glad Eli accepted him, but Aesop was a little worried about what his parents would say.

No matter, just keep it hidden and go on about your day.

He stared at the pile of paperwork on his desk and turned to exit the office. He had no mood for that, not when there was almost no way he could focus on his work. Instead he bounced off to his room, where Eli was lying. Aesop had insisted that Eli had rest for the rest of the day despite the other male's protesting. When he entered, Eli turned over and looked at him sleepily.

"How's your head, love?"

"Should be better now- What did you call me?"

Aesop chuckled as he watched Eli's face redden.

"Nothing wrong with that right? We are together~"

Eli huffed and gestured for him to go over. Aesop sat on the edge of the bed and was dragged down onto his side. Eli inhaled the soft scent of flowers and felt his headache fade again. It made him realise he hadn't taken a shower since last night, but he had been too dizzy to stand properly. He tried to get up and realised he could do it this time. With some help, he managed to stand and make his way to the bathroom.

As he turned to shut the door, he realised Aesop was standing in the doorway, smirking a bit. Eli rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the blush creeping upwards.


"C'mon, please?"

"But you just showered!"

"That's no reason for me to not join, right?"

"I- Fine, just this once."

Aesop smiled as Eli let him in, knowing bloody well this wouldn't be just 'once'. After much pushing and shoving, Eli got him to face the wall as he took off his clothes and wrapped a towel around his waist. Aesop did the same and practically dragged Eli into the tub. He nuzzled against the executive's neck, happy to be able to be this close to him once again. Eli felt his cheeks tingle as he found himself thinking about the dream he had ages ago.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Huh? Oh uh, nothing."


Eli could feel Aesop's hands creeping up to his chest a little, gliding over his abdomen. He frantically grabbed Aesop's wrists in attempts to stop him. He could feel his heart rate increase rapidly as Aesop continued, ignoring Eli. However, just as quickly, he stopped and lay back in the tub, Eli feeling like wobbly jelly. He wanted to turn around and throw a bottle of shampoo at Aesop, but he couldn't find the energy to even move. A tingling sensation remained on his abdomen, a faint reminder of what had just happened. The feeling would soon be gone but the memory of it definitely wasn't fading away anytime soon.

Soon both were done and got out of the shower. Once again, Aesop insisted Eli wear his clothes instead and had his suit sent to the laundry.

"You may as well start getting more comfortable with me, if you don't mind."

To which Eli had found himself agreeing with. Aesop had accepted him, and Eli would have to do his part in getting used to this new relationship. Aesop had laid out a few shirts and some pants before he headed downstairs, claiming that he had some 'business' to attend to. All of them looked a little oversized on the smaller male, so choosing a particular one wouldn't make much of a difference. He went downstairs quietly, trying to find Aesop.

He looked around the living room and kitchen, but couldn't find the male anywhere. He asked a maid passing by if she'd seen him, to which she responded by pointing outside. Indeed, as she had pointed out, Eli could see a tall figure chasing after a cloud once again. He thanked her and went out to the yard. He tried to wave, but Aesop seemed to be too focused on chasing the Samoyed. Eli sat down on the side, watching as the male chased the dog. He seemed a little too focused on how athletic Aesop was to be running around with that much stamina to notice one of the clouds curling up beside him.

By the time Eli noticed, the Samoyed had already fallen asleep while it's companion was held firmly in Aesop's grasp. The male looked over at Eli, panting heavily as he carried the dog over. He nodded his head towards the other dog and without a second hint, Eli seized the dog firmly by the stomach and lifted it into his arms. It huffed, but didn't flail around as much as it's friend.

"Alright, these fellas need a shower. To the doggy bath we go!"

They marched off into the house to the back. Washing machines and dryers lined the sides of the walls. In a corner, a small tub sat. There were various bottles on the side along with combs and brushes. One of the Samoyeds started whining and huffing while the other hung limp from Eli's arms. Aesop put the one in his arms into the tub and ran the tap. The dog whined and tried to struggle out of the tub only to be held down by Aesop. Eli couldn't help but notice the veins in Aesop's arms, swallowing a lump in his throat.

Bathing the dogs didn't take long, but drying and brushing their coats was tiring. The maids brought them some drinks to cool off while the two dogs went back to the yard to lounge as the males lounged in the living room. Eli saw another framed photo of Aesop's family, and was reminded of his own. A wave of worry washed over him suddenly even as he leaned against Aesop's shoulder.

What would he say if they find out one day?

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