Chap. 25

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Aesop stared at Eli in shock, not being able to comprehend what he just heard from his executive. However, he was also eager to know more.

"Y-yea, I do know a man called Aesop Carl. What about him..?"

"Yeah...That's the guy I liked..."

"Do you, maybe...Still like him?"

Eli was silent for a moment before he buried his face into Aesop's chest, nodding a bit.

"I do...I'm just...scared to tell...I don't wanna think about being rejected..."

At that moment Aesop felt his heart melt. He had the urge to hold the male close to him forever, to protect him and give him unconditional love, but he knew there was no way he could ever do that, unless...

"If Aesop said he would accept you, would you be with him?"

Aesop knew he shouldn't get his hopes up too high, but he prayed for the answer he wanted to hear anyway.

"...Sure I suppose..."

"W-wait, really?"

"Mhm...Would be nice to experience what it feels like liking someone who likes me back."

He fell silent after that, asleep. Aesop wanted to hold the other male close to him as he slept. Instead, he draped the blanket over the male and sat at the chair beside the window. There was too much on his mind for him to go to sleep. He was contemplating the ways how he was going to tell Eli what he said the next day without Eli panicking and avoiding him all over again. The alcohol was tiring him, and he fell asleep, slumped on the desk.

The maids knocked on the door the next morning when neither of the males turned up for breakfast. Aesop jolted awake and rushed to the door, checking under the covers to see if Eli was still there. Sure enough, the male was still there. The maid left after leaving the platter of breakfast there to bring up another serving. Aesop tried to wake Eli up, shaking him by the shoulders. The executive looked up.

"Where am- Ah..."


Eli said nothing, only nodding. He clutched his head in his hands, eyes squeezed shut. He looked around slowly, taking in the room. He seemed to know where he was, but couldn't find any words. Aesop passed him some water and a pill, which Eli swallowed.

'So...How did I wind up here..?"

"Er, you had too much to drink and you...passed out."

Eli stared at him with a flat expression.

"What did I say yesterday night?"

Aesop cleared his throat awkwardly. He shrugged and tried to turn away, but Eli grabbed his arm. Aesop jolted at the amount of strength and turned to Eli, surprised to see his eyes welling up a little. The hangover effects must be really bad for him.

"Please tell me what I said I know I said something wrong!"

Aesop peeled Eli's hand off and pushed him back down on the bed.

"Okay. I'll tell you the full truth, but there really isn't a need for you to feel ashamed or anything ."

Aesop exhaled and told Eli everything, from how he had collapsed onto the table all until the part where he fell asleep. The executive only looked at him in horror as Aesop repeated whatever had spewed out of his drunk mouth.

"Th-there's no way I said all that..."

"Well ya did so-"

Eli hid his face in his hands. Aesop tried to offer him a bite of toast, but the other male shook his head.

"So, now you know everything I tried to hide."

"Well it's not that bad."

There was silence as Aesop ate. Eli stared intently at his lap. When Aesop finally finished, he got up and bent down to look at Eli's face. He almost panicked when he saw tears welling up in the executive's eyes.

"Hey hey hey! There's no need to cry-"

"Easy for you to say! It's not your secret why would you even care!"

He was rendered to a sobbing mess once again. Aesop tried to think of something to say, but he couldn't find any words. Instead, he slowly went behind Eli and wrapped his arms around his waist. Eli flinched, but didn't move away from the hug. He allowed Aesop to nuzzle against the back of his neck and hold a cold soaked napkin against his stomach under his shirt. He felt calmed by the coldness on his warm skin.

"Eli? Can I ask something then? Since you told me all this."

"Go ahead I guess..."

"So...Do you still like me?"

Eli fell silent for a bit. He hadn't thought about that. But slowly, he nodded, waiting for whatever Aesop was going to say. The napkin on his stomach was getting warm again, and the sogginess was a little uncomfortable now. His piercing headache was back.

"Will you be with me then?"


"Yea, I am asking you here and now. Will you be together with me?"

Eli turned over to look at him, tears still streaming down.


"Mhm, I'm asking seriously."

Eli's face remained void of any obvious expression for a few moments before he nodded, his tears dripping freely now. He turned to Aesop and cried freely into the man's chest. Aesop smiled gently, patting the top of his head and hushing him. When Eli was finally done crying, he managed to utter out,

"Thank you, Mr Carl...Thank you.."

"Hey, hey. You can call me Aesop now. Screw the formalities, I never really liked them."

Eli nodded and wiped away his tears, smiling brilliantly. Aesop felt his heart melt and before he knew it, he enveloped Eli in a huge hug and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

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